Friday, May 29, 2015

Armed Forces: Official return medals in protest … – Daily News – Lisbon

The new Statute of the Military Armed Forces (EMFAR), which was published Friday in the Official Gazette, has aroused the opposition of socio-professional associations against some of the new rules, especially those that restrict early changeover to reserve and increase the length of stay in some places.

“Against the backdrop of the camaraderie and solidarity ties between the military, even more rooted in service commissions that have met during the war, a delegation of officers, representing what feels the overwhelming majority of the military, will return today [...] the presidency the decorations that corresponded to those commissions, “the AofA said in a statement.

The official” do it by giving public witness to the deep-seated that this review is cause and warning of the non-negligible consequences for the Armed Forces, that the President is, inherently, the Supreme Commander, “said the AofA, which he chairs Colonel Manuel Cracel.

The new amendments to EMFAR, which regulates the essential aspects of military career and was under review since the end of 2013, increase the retirement age from 65 to 66 years from 2016, as to the remaining public administration, and a new military call model in reserve for the performance of functions.

You get to spend the reserve, the military now have to

40 years meet military time and 55 years of age, whereas hitherto these conditions were instead.


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