Friday, May 22, 2015

Rockstar Games processes by BBC film about the game ‘GTA’ –

The company owns the Rockstar Games game development studio filed a lawsuit on Thursday (21) against the BBC accusing the channel of infringing its trademarks to produce a TV show about the game “Grand Theft Auto. ” The information was published by the site “IGN”.

provisionally Called “Game Changer” (Game Change), the 90-minute film will deal with the battle fought between the president of Rockstar Sam Houser, and American lawyer and critic of the games in the series “GTA”, Jack Thompson. The production with stars in the cast, as Daniel Radcliffe (Houser) and Bill Paxton (Thompson).

The program began filming on April 20 and is set to air later this year. The lawsuit was opened in court in London by Take-Two, which owns Rockstar.

“While holders of trademarks addressed in the film and its promotion, Rockstar Games has had no involvement with this project. Our goal is to ensure that our brands are not used in bad BBC chase an unofficial representation of alleged events related to Rockstar Games, “he said in a statement sent to the company” IGN “.

” We We tried multiple ways to resolve this matter with the BBC without any significant resolution. It is our obligation to protect our intellectual property and unfortunately this lawsuit was necessary. “The

BBC reported that does not comment on legal issues.


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