Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google. Portuguese launch the new generation of Street View – iOnline

Google. Portuguese launch the new generation of the Street View


Carolina Hawk, John Baker and Gabriel Falcon are Portuguese researchers that caught Google’s attention As Ruvic / Reuters Jose Paiva Capucho 05/26/2015 13:25:58


Project allows you to travel freely through the streets, according to the team of Portuguese researchers.


What did is that the technology of multi-million dollar company Google has to do with Coimbra? For many,

little more than a quick access to its streets and monuments, through Google Street View, with current images of the city. But for the team of researchers from the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra (FCTUC), an opportunity, with guaranteed funding, advance to a new computer model that will create a new generation of reconstruction systems 3D urban environments.

This model allows more fluid Virtual navigation the user can circulate freely through the streets, against the restriction of current application, which captures images from the viewpoint of the vehicle, causing the visit is still, according to the Researchers

Now, while still at the prototype stage, for Portuguese researchers comoCarolina Raposo, John Barreto eGabrielFalcão, this disadvantage can be changed:. “The new algorithm is based on the use of plans, not only to describe the scene, but also to calculate the movement of the camera [...] it makes the 3D models are automatically generated and stored in a very compact form, allowing its rapid transmission, “released yesterday in a press release.

In addition to this feature worthy of any videogame, the introduction of the flat mapping will allow a saving images. “This is because it is common for the same plan is captured by the cameras in remote locations, allowing you to recover the movement,” conclude the researchers. Ométodo current passes like fashion, not only by limiting it presents, but also because the images you use are “purchased at physically close positions and therefore need much more information.” A two-in-one technology, this time Portuguese.

This funding comes after the project has attracted the interest of SiliconValley company, which selected in a worldwide contest of ideas very competitive, with acceptance rates at around 15%.

 With just over a year and a half, the research brings together two research groups, one from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) and other UC, Institute of Robotics Systems and Telecommunications Institute.

Even not being completed, the set of researchers has released a video for a first look to the future application, with a 3D trip to Ladeira Seminary, one of the best-known streets by conimbricenses.

 Fast image processing, 3D mapping and a new immersive experience are the main objectives of a team which means “gift” in the global technological advancement and help the millions of users to visit the cities of election (or birth) within reach a mouse click.


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