The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) refused on Tuesday that the former director of the Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) of Coimbra, Vítor Guimarães, has made an agreement with the PS to avoid searches at Socialist headquarters as today advances the Journal News .
In a letter to then national secretary for the organization of PS, Miguel Almada, in October 2013, as part of the investigation into the falsification of militants from registration forms in the district of Coimbra, Vítor Guimarães took over – as claimed by the PGR, a clarification sent to newsrooms – intended to obtain the original of the application forms (“because copies were already in the process”) through ” less invasive and more discreet procedure, avoiding thus the immediate recourse to any of the other legally established solutions, particularly those provided for under Articles 174 and following of the Criminal Procedure Code “, ie searches. Concludes the clarification of the PGR who “did not fail to warn of the possibility of carrying out searches, if this were to prove to be the only means of obtaining the documents in question.”
On the side of the PS, there was “an absolutely normal process of complete openness and collaboration,” he told DN Miguel Laranjeiro. The socialist leadership had received a request from the Judicial Police for “delivery, devolution title all the chips Subscribers militants between 1/6/2011 and 31/12/2011 at the district federation of Coimbra” and requested clarification from the PGR “how access and consultation of the chips in because of militant of the Socialist Party can be provided in strict compliance with the safeguards of the protection of personal data law and criminal procedure law. “
It was this sequence then DIAP director of Coimbra
“It was such guarantee compliance with the law, with this precise scope and limit, the Director of DIAP referred to use the word ‘commitment’ in the mail that went on 01/04/2014 the Deputy Attorney Lady investigation holder ordering him to setting up new survey for investigation of violation of Justice secret “,. shoots the PGR in its clarification.
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