Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Stuck with meningitis died in hospital of Cascais – Daily News – Lisbon

An inmate of the Sintra Prison died of bacterial meningitis at the hospital in Cascais, the early evening yesterday. Faced with suspected meningitis, the three inmates who shared a cell with him were placed under observation and isolation, clarified the DN the General Directorate of Social Welfare and Prison Services (DGRSP).

The prisoner, who was regularly followed in clinical services, fell ill at the beginning of yesterday morning, and was observed by the clinical services of the Prison and the INEM that carried the Cascais Hospital (Dr. José de Almeida), where he died at the beginning night, said the DGRSP.

The causes of death are identified by hospital bacterial meningitis and human immunodeficiency syndrome. “Faced with suspected meningitis, without being even know the type, has been clinically decided to proceed immediately and proactively, the observation and isolation of the three inmates who shared a cell with space sick, and, until now, there is no disease outbreak situation in any inmate or employee, or so little, someone is admitted to any hospital for this reason, “concluded the clarification of the Prison Service to DN.

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