Wednesday, May 20, 2015

L’Oreal want to print skin in 3D to test products – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The L’Oreal was associated with a start-up to find a way to print in 3D living dermis and breathe. The aim is to be able to test this impression toxicity and efficacy of their products.

L’Oreal want to print human skin. The French cosmetic company joined the start-up Organovo to find a way to print 3D dermis (which is a layer of skin) live and breathe, according to Bloomberg. The aim is that the company can use this “skin” to test the toxicity and efficacy of their products.

This is not the first attempt by the French company to produce skin. In order to avoid testing their products on animals since the 1980s that L’Oreal began cultivating dermis, according to the US agency. In the French region of Lyon, the company has a laboratory dedicated to the growth and analysis of human tissue. The current method used for dermal farming is based on growing tissue samples donated by patients who do plastic surgery in France.

With the support of Organovo, the French company wants to speed up and automate production skin the next five years. Research for this project will take place in the laboratories of both the Organovo whether the new research center of L’Oreal in California, USA. Being that the latter will give relational knowledge with the skin and the initial funding and Organovo will provide the technology advances to Bloomberg.

The French company will have exclusive rights to the printed skin in 3D with the Organovo for uses involving skin care products that do not

require a prescription. In turn, the Organovo will have the rights of tissue models for efficiency tests for prescribing drugs, toxicity testing and development and testing of therapeutic or surgical tissue transplants, according to agency information.


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