Monday, May 18, 2015

“Groom less bad to TAP appears to be Efromovich” – TVI24

In the past, once it was “easy” sell TAP, according to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and could have been “interesting” someone from the east to be now in the race to establish a base in Portugal. It did not happen. “We came to that situation where the father of the bride is looking at the strength of applicants, since it is not easy to marry the bride,” says the professor, in his usual comment in the Journal of 8 TVI, which lasted this week, from Sunday to Monday. Of three proposals – the Portuguese Paes do Amaral, the Brazilian and Colombian Neeleman with Polish passport German Efromovich – the latter seems to be “the least bad boyfriend.”

“I ask me:.. I’m happy with the groom who will marry the daughter No, I’m not happy is choose the least bad of all (…) I had here said for a long time that my impression of Mr. Efromovich – and keep -. is that was not favorable when he ran in 2012. Furthermore, when the moment of truth did not have the money to put the guarantees but had did not get the guarantees in time Suddenly, I notice that it may be the least bad proposal -. there is a good proposal – financially, in someone who knows the industry “

> The proposed Efromovich, owner of Avianca Brazil, has already 12 planes ready for TAP operate and proposes the renewal of the fleet Portugalia within six months of completion of the deal.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa advocates a process of rapid and transparent sale, not excluding that the next government may have to take with “berbicachos” thereof.

“What the Portuguese understand (…) we are to choose between what is possible and not between what is desirable”

The financial terms – “the money with which they come or go with planes” – will be decisive, he said.

The teacher considered also important, “it is clear that in the spirit of the Portuguese is a quick fix, which is what justifies the government do this before no consensus system of elections.”

“Probability there is no absolute majority is very high”

Another major theme of the weekly review were the latest polls on the legislative nearby, which gave the PS slightly ahead of coalition PSD / CDS. One thing seems certain, in the eyes of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, “the likelihood of no absolute majority is very high.”

The social democratic commentator began by saying that the polls indicate that “coalition has lost votes because arose. Or go up a little or stay as is” and that, in practice, anticipate a draw technical.
Passos Coelho “will try to win votes abstained.” António Costa “is not the center that will get votes,” but at the PDR, free, Left Bloc and Communist Party.

“We are in an election campaign, we are four and a half months;. Taking the summer months, it is after tomorrow Caution, when they hear this or that, [the actors] are in an election campaign,” he warned.

Campaign: “self-regulation code”

About the media coverage of the election campaign, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa suggested that chief information officers of the

various media draw up “a kind of autoregulation code “proposing a certain formula, as the interviews and on the coverage. .

“That they turn to the AR and communicated to Members, rather they develop a law that is not unanimously accepted by the media so it is part of self-regulation and facilitated one of two solutions: either there is no law, or be a law that would meet the self-regulation “proposed.

You comment Sunday, he spoke about the cases of violence among young people that have shaken public opinion last week, making sure to separate the case of Salvaterra de Magos Case the Figueira da Foz .

In this day when the Benfica became national champion, the commentator TVI said it was a “worthy winner” . As for the clashes that marred the festivities, today highlighted the “exemplary behavior” the police who protected the child who attended the assault of another official to his own father.



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