Saturday, May 23, 2015

Rockstar processes by BBC film about the GTA game – Portal Technology


On the


The Rockstar announces that it has filed a lawsuit in London against the BBC for not authorized the use of its brands in the production of the company.

According to IGN, the process aims to use trademarks without permission from the BCC, which is producing a feature film, about, 90 minutes on the game Grand Theft Auto , the Take -Two and Rockstar Games.

The working title is “Game Changer” game change a translation book, which portrays a conflict between Sam Houser, President of Rockstar, and the US attorney Jack Thompson known critic of the saga, being represented by Daniel Radcliffe and Bill Paxton, respectively.

According to the company, the problem is that the film which is based on their trademarks, the feature being promoted with use of the mark GTA without your

permission. The company tried to contact the BBC, but do not succeed to reach an agreement

Meanwhile, the BBC refused to comment on legal issues

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