Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Spotify launches streaming videos and investment in news and comedy … –

Spotify launched three new features: better listening experience, the design and the anticipated streaming videos, going beyond the already available audio tracks. At an event in New York, CEO Daniel Ek explained that the platform aims to bring original audio and discoveries, new types of content – including videos of news and comedy sites – as well as a renewed look of the player

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According to Ek, the news must reach the users in a few weeks. At first, only vehicles with news content, music and comedy in English were announced for the platform. Spotify will also suggest shows audio and video together with musical producers and channels

Home page:. Now

Another innovation announced by Spotify should change how you listen to music on the platform: a “Now” page. In it, users will get recommendations of playlists according to the time of day and activities normally held at such times, following his routine. Examples of the themes of the lists are “Songs to sing in the shower” and “To hear traffic”, both in the morning.

One of the novelty of the advantages is its ability to learn from the user’s use over time, shaping their suggestions according to the activities, ensures Spotify. Thus, the home page will be increasingly customized to the user.

The Spotify will also implement automatic play in playlists. That is, to access the phone or pass or mouse over it, automatically know what the content of the playlist and if it pleases him.

25 million hours

The executive also announced some numbers. Spotify has reached over 25 billion hours played in the world since the launch seven years ago, and today is half of the streaming music market. Every month, two billion of new music discoveries happen with listeners know new artists.

“We’re bringing a deeper experience, richer and more immersive in Spotify,” Ek said, founder and CEO of Spotify.

Spotify Running

The Spotify has also

launched a new feature for those who like to play sports. The player, on the phone, will play songs that will keep pace the corridor, to encourage you to improve your performance. The application will detect the speed of the race and suggest compatible content; see in the image below.

will be combined recommendations based on your history of music, playlists of various genres and original compositions performed by some of the biggest DJs and composers in the world and all are attuned to your pace, without problems of transition, ensuring the sequence.

Learn all about Spotify Running

“Now” should come first to the US iPhone users, UK, Germany and Sweden, today. According to Spotify, the resources will arrive in most markets and platforms in the near future. The Running Spotify is now available for iPhone worldwide.

collaborated Maria Clara Pestre and Luana Ivory


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