Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Counties Port District have the most expensive water in the country – Daily News – Lisbon

The Deco Consumer Protection -Association states that water tariffs in Portugal are “incoherent” and “continue to be guided by inequality.” According to the association, in a statement released today cites the results of a study published in the journal Protest, “from north to south and from the coast to the interior, tariffs continue to be guided by inequality.”

“Among the 10 municipalities with the highest bill, six are Port District” , said Deco. According to the document, the ten highest prices are in Trofa (492.92 euros), Santo Tirso (431.20), Paços de Ferreira (420.60), Aveiro (413.69), Torres Vedras (412, 74) Vila do Conde (410.83), Covilha (406.08), Gondomar (403.32), Paredes (400.42) and Alenquer (399.64).

Since the most Cheap were in Belmonte (54.72 euros), Barrancos (76.50), Mora (81), Alcacer do Sal (83.40), Foz Coa (88.20) and Moura (91.20).

Municipalities of Lisbon and Porto, with an annual bill of 243 euros, are left out of both lists.

The study of Protest analyzed about 450 tariff applied to the final consumer, in 150 municipalities, including supply rates, sanitation and solid waste in April 2015.

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