Saturday, May 30, 2015

Two authorized treatment and the other refused to give babies … – iOnline

Two authorized treatment and the other refused to give babies saved brothers


The aim is to achieve a pregnancy and thus the birth of a child who can be a donor of bone marrow.


The National Council for Medically Assisted Procreation (CNPMA) authorized the holding of two treatments for the birth of children consistent with sick brothers, one of whom stepped forward, and refused a third request already made this year.


According to the president of CNPMA, Eurico Reis, the aim of the intervention is to obtain a pregnancy and thus the birth of a child who may be marrow donor for a sibling with leukemia.


The first two requests that come to the

Board in 2014 were accepted, but only one has advanced since the other couple gave up.


The application accepted and whose practice is underway in Genetics Center Playback Teacher Alberto Barros, Porto, was the first to obtain authorization from CNPMA as released the newspaper Público in April.


However, the specialist in reproductive medicine Alberto Barros explained to Lusa News Agency that this technique has been held in Portugal a few years ago, although at the time it was not necessary prior authorization from the Council.


Of the treatments done in this period resulted in no pregnancy.


The therapy in question is a cycle of Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA) with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) for obtaining HLA embryo (Human Leukocyte Antigen) compatible for severe disease treatment effects.


PGD is a very early method of prenatal diagnosis for couples with a high risk of transmission of a gene disease (the “disease of the feet”) or chromosomal (such as trisomy 21).


This diagnosis is carried out after removal of one or two cell embryos on the third day of development or after the biopsy blastocyst (day 5), with subsequent diagnosis of a chromosomal gene or condition.


The purpose of this technique is the transfer of embryos or genetically normal, in this case, HLA compatible embryos relative to the group.


Whenever there is a request for the use of this technique, the Council shall act “case by case on the use of MAP techniques for selecting HLA compatible group for severe disease treatment effects,” he told Lusa Judge Judge Eurico Reis.


This means that “the concrete conditions of each of these individual situations are the essential foundation of the decision, given that, in all cases, is concerned the treatment of a serious illness and not prevention concerning potential or capability to come to unleash such a disease, “he said.


Regarding the request that the CNPMA prevented, the refusal to take into account an opinion of the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplant (IPST) and the available data regarding “the risk of disease recurrence and the likelihood that, in this case, finding a compatible donor. “


The CNPMA recognized “the enormous complexity of the subject matter and so is the personal suffering of the couple and the child involved,” but dismissed the application, although he admitted “the possibility of carrying out a review of the situation if a change occurs substantial to the circumstances. “






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