Friday, May 22, 2015

New implant allows use of prosthesis through thought – Daily News – Lisbon

A new neurological prosthesis implanted in the brain allows a quadriplegic operate an artificial arm with ease, by the power of thought, according to a clinical trial published on Thursday in Science.

The prosthesis brings a New Hope mobility of achievement by amputees or motor paralysis.

Until now, the different tested prosthesis control approaches involve, for example, driven by muscle myoelectrical arms or attached to implants inserted in brain, but these techniques often produce movements like spasms, which does not happen with this technique.

One of the cases reported in the clinical trial is to Erik Sorto, 34, a quadriplegic since there is a dozen years after an injury in the vertebral column, and he could use an artificial arm effortlessly through the strength of their thought and their imagination.

Erik Sorto became thus the first person in the world have a neurological prosthesis implanted in a brain region where they form the intentions, which gives you the ability to grab a glass and drink or play the game “rock-paper-scissors.”

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