The Hospital de Santa Maria, the largest in the country is undermined by a web of interests and loyalties to political parties, the Freemasons and Opus Dei, concludes a study that evaluated the quality and operation of six national institutions.
The analysis of the Santa Maria Hospital (HSM), headed by Sonia Pires, points out that “despite improvements since 2005,” the hospital “continues crossed by strong conflicts of interest and acts in gray areas or silenced that constitute corruption. “
” Freemasonry, Opus Dei and the connection to political parties are still three external realities that intersect the HSM ball, “the study” values, institutional quality and development in Portugal “commissioned by the Foundation Francisco Manuel dos Santos, which will be presented on Thursday.
The researcher, which was based on questionnaires and interviews collected between 2012 and 2013, paints a black picture of the institution where intersecting public and private interests of “powerful groups”, particularly in the medical profession and in the direction of support services that affect the operation of services at the level of human resources and acquisition of clinical material. At TSF, the author states that what goes in HSM is not an isolated case and should go up also in other hospitals in the country
The diagnosis was worse ten years. “The situation was out control, with no equipment usage logs and verifying regular thefts, by medical and other personnel, who served his pleasure of hospital stores to provide their private clinics. “
The hospital’s closure came to be considered and was needed “energetic intervention” of the Minister of Health, which appointed a new Board of Directors and a new president to save the institution, the document said, adding that this leader and the his family received death threats and were even accompanied by a police escort.
Sonia Pires points out that “conditions have improved” however, but remain “common practice” small acts of corruption such as , “exchange of favors, passing ahead on waiting lists, friends and family, and the attending physician to channel patients who have to do analysis to private laboratories of which he is a partner.”
Corruption It was more evident by mid-2000 and has fallen to the reorganization of services. “Indeed, the introduction of information technology services, changes in managers of support
The document reveals also cases of absenteeism of medical leadership in medical intervention services and service appointments of directors made “in absentia rules and regulations”.
justified, on the other hand, the permanence of some doctors in the public service the fact that “belong to the HSM be useful to achieve the social and symbolic status specific to the profession”, admitting that, although they remain the best elements, there is no meritocracy in appointments and promotion.
” The appointment process are not clear and are crossed by other dynamics as games of interest and struggles between teachers at the School of Medicine, and the presence of own external dynamics to the Portuguese society – such as Freemasonry, Opus Dei and the link to political parties (most recent call, temporarily, with particular emphasis on PCP and PS), “says the researcher, based on the information gathered.
An institution” orphan “and suborçamentada
The Hospital of Santa Maria was “abandoned to their fate” and is suborçamentado to meet the high costs it has with its users due to its EOL hospital status.
According to Sonia Pires, relations between the Hospital de Santa Maria and its natural allies, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance, deteriorate in recent years, in a context of ” successive budget cuts, which reached tens of millions of euros “and became” confrontational “.
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