Saturday, May 30, 2015

Minister has already doubled for 1000 new police per year – Daily News – Lisbon

In the space of less than 24 hours, the Minister of Internal Affairs has doubled the number of annual admissions for new police, 500 for 1000, starting already next year. The three unions PSP already met with Anabela Rodrigues, for the status of the discussion of this security force, start to get confused with the information and divergent positions that are taken at each meeting.

The “optimism “the first day begins to fade with the unions to register some discrepancies in the minister speech.

This is because when the DN consegiu determine together union leaders, Anabela Rodrigues said the same thing all. While Paulo Rodrigues, the ASPP, had given the assurance weekly working time staying within 36 hours, as Mario Andrade SPP and Armando Ferreira do SINAPOL, he said that time was only for the operational. “It is unthinkable police be in the same organization with different schedules,” noted Andrade and Ferreira.

Also the ASPP had been confirmed to maintain the current 25-day vacation, but the SPP and SINAPOL were proposed 22 to which were added three days, resulting in performance bonuses.

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