Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ten emojis you ‘got it wrong’ and used with another meaning … –

Use emojis is a great way to show what you are thinking or feeling without using any words for it. But like many of the icons are ambiguous, it is common users interpret the images in different ways. The confusion may be even worse considering that the emojis for iOS , Android and Windows Phone are not equal. . Check out the true meanings

emojis Update will explain best meaning of the icons; see

The Unicode organization responsible for establishing standards of language on the Internet, created a document (see PDF) with recommendations to the manufacturers about some of the differences that appear in the current versions of the images , explaining the true sense of the figures on mobile platforms. This file can help standardize the icons in future versions. The system takes into consideration the Android emojis as those used in Google services like Hangouts.

1) Emoji embarrassed

The idea of ​​this emoji was simply indicate an embarrassed face. But the creativity of users and the ambiguous interpretation of images has earned him different directions. Many iOS users often use the emoji to represent someone scared because some of Android use it to indicate a shaped doll. Finally, the Windows also use a third interpretation on which the emoji is a happy user, feeling lucky, with shy eyes.

2) Emoji celebrating

It’s hard to believe, but according to Unicode this emoji is celebrating any victory. The picture looks anything but a triumph. Thus, the figure was interpreted by users as a very angry doll, as if ‘huffing’.

3) Emoji of bunnies

Another emoji mentioned in the document is the girls with bunny ears. While the iOS design, after an Apple update in April, caused controversy by look like the iconic Playboy bunnies in the other platforms the connotation is less sexual. The recommendation of Unicode is that the emoji has smaller ears to return to represent the idea of ​​”party”.

4) Emoji suffering

This is another case of ambiguity between emojis. How are they different in iOS, Android and Windows Phone systems, the guys were interpreted with different meanings. For users of iOS, this is a smiley face, with a smile from corner to corner of mouth. For those who use Android and Windows, the emoji is an angry little guy. But the novelty is that none of them were right. According to the creators, the emoji should represent someone grimacing, as if trying hard -. Which indicates determination or pain

5) Emoji frowning

This emoji should represent a dour person, barely seen. However, due to their different designs, it is interpreted in different

ways. For many users of iOS, this guy is anyone surprised, in shock. Already the Android appears a sad person, leaving Windows perhaps the best interpretation of the real meaning of the figure.

6) tired Emoji

It was to be a tired and yawning doll, but with the creativity of users, it became the representation of amazement. Users interpreted the figure as a gaping doll, but in fact it was just exhausted.

7) Book Marker

It looked like a label, these we find the products to determine prices. But it was not. According to Unicode, this emoji is just bookmark and almost nobody uses.

8) relieved Emoji

Relief is the expression that represents the emoji, according to the creators themselves. However, for Unicode, many users find that the doll is sleeping and use to show someone with sleep.

9) “High five”

Among the most controversial examples, the emoji hands together stands out. Often it is interpreted as ‘high-five’, but in fact the organization explains that its original meaning is of thanks or prayer, as is explicit in versions for Android and Windows. In the version for iOS, the figure can be confusing and leaves room for other interpretations.

10) Emoji with arms crossed

The emoji idly perhaps one of the most confusing. Many wonder what the figure would be representing and here is the answer: not at all. The emoji is a declined according different from the angry puppet that many believed to be.

Via Unicode

iOS 8.3: Why can not I use emojis other colors? See the TechTudo Forum.


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