Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Deco: Water rates are “incoherent” and “continue to be guided … – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Deco: Water rates are “incoherent” and “continue to be guided by inequality”

The Consumer Protection Association states that Water rates in Portugal are “incoherent” and “continue to be guided by inequality.”

According to Deco, citing the results of a study published in Protest magazine, “from north to south and from the coast to the interior, tariffs continue to be guided by inequality.”

The study of Protest analyzed about 450 tariff applied to the final consumer, in 150 municipalities including supply rates, sanitation and solid waste in April 2015.

“Among the 10 municipalities with the highest bill, six are Port District,” added Deco who gives the example Santo Tirso and Trofa, where they pay respectively 431.23 euros and 492.91 euros for a consumption of 120 cubic meters per year for the three services. However, according to the association, Barrancos record an invoice of 76.50 euros.

The municipalities of Aveiro, Espinho, Oliveira do Bairro and Vila do Conde are accused by Deco not to apply a social tariff, while Covilha, Thorn, Mafra, Paredes and Vila do Conde “ignore the price for large families.”

“Six years on the recommendation of the Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste Services in this matter, there are still many management companies than meet, “says the association.

On the other hand, as it awaits the approval of aggregation of multi-municipal systems for high (collection and treatment provided by the fund managers), the Deco adds that “views with concern the effect on price

of water and sanitation services.”

“The situation is unclear to the consumer,” underlines the association, which is questioning the assurance given by the Government and local authorities for the harmonization of tariffs and affordability of these services.


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