Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Profile cases of youth violence are just the visible part of … – publico






The cases in Figueira da Foz and Leiria, two boys of 17 and 12 assaulted by classmates, are examples of violence and bullying known because they were disseminated through social and communication networks social. “These are the ones we know thanks to the democratization of information technology. And the others? “, Wonders Rui Pedro Duarte, deputy PS and coordinator of the working group on school indiscipline, created by the parliamentary committee for Education, Science and Culture.


                         Created last year to respond to a present phenomenon, and that is increasing, the group of deputies completed its work. Some of the findings will be presented Wednesday at a conference in the new building the auditorium of Parliament that are also speakers, as well as representatives of the parliamentary groups, the President of the National Council of Education, David Justino, the director of a school group of Vila Nova de Gaia, Filinto Lima, and professor at the University of Minho João Lopes.

In his parliamentary hearing in October, academia exposed data from studies who led on the topic at a time, said , indiscipline is increasing in the classroom:. about 15% of teachers lose more than 40% of their time trying to discipline students and 60% did not have so far any specific training to deal with the problem

For those who thought the creation of the working group as a starting point for possible legislative changes, “this timing can not be the best,” admits Rui Pedro Duarte, since the publication of the report end will be near the end of the legislature. But he says: “We also admit that the work done provides a basis for greater consistency so that in the future, parliamentary groups or governments can legislate on it, and create new tools.” The important thing, maintains, is that the interest does not leave the ball politics, now that two media episodes put this issue on the agenda.

In Figueira da Foz, a young man at the material time was 16 was the target of punches and cracked for at least ten minutes. The incident occurred outside the school, was shot and someone released on social networks a year after it happened. “How many more such cases happened after this, without us knowing?” Wonders the deputy to whom what is known (and discussed) is only part of reality, a sort of tip of the iceberg.

In Leiria, where a kid of 12 years was violently assaulted by colleagues, no video was posted on the Internet. Violence corresponded to a pattern. The latest attack, on

Thursday, was the most violent and engage youth to be taken to hospital. The situation, which lasted for several months, then became public. The school acted for some time, but the attacks continued and worsening, going to occur not at school but inside the school bus.

The visibility given by the media and social networks to cases like these It is for the Member of the PSD, Maria da Conceição Caldeira, what explains the perception that violence in school soared. “Rose, but not in proportion to what we are shown,” says Member of the same workgroup, for whom we must distinguish “indiscipline that happens naturally in spaces with hundreds of students” of violence and indiscipline and violence become bullying . “The action has to be different” depending on the situation.

The MP of one of the parties that support the government recognizes that the solution is, among other things, train teachers and non-teaching staff to better prevent and deal with conflict situations, but also “to provide schools with the necessary means to cope with this problem.” And that has not happened, says Rui Pedro Duarte reminiscent cuts of 700 million euros, taxes in the state budget for this year, the primary and secondary. “Are these cuts compatible with the fight against indiscipline and violence in schools?” He asked.

Mrs Diana Ferreira PCP presents as “essential factor” of this presence of indiscipline “the economic and social situation of Portuguese families “. “I would not say are the causes” of increased violence and indiscipline in schools, “but one factor” that explains. “A child has no birth at home or a place to study, or without family support, because parents work in shifts, will be more likely to have disruptive behaviors and to have failure and dropout,” exposes. He concludes: “indiscipline, violence and failure are often associated and can not be separated from what is the social and economic reality of the country.” PUBLIC tried to listen Members of BE and CDS, but got no response <. /> p>



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