Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Volunteers will recount homeless in Lisbon – News Journal

The Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa (SCML) promotes this mapping for the second time in year and a half. In the first count, held on December 12, 2013 and involved about 800 volunteers have been flagged 509 homeless on the streets of the entire city of Lisbon and 343 that that night slept in Home Centers.

The recount, which will have the collaboration of parish councils and associations that work with the homeless population, will take place between 21 hours and 24 hours, following the same methodology used in 2013, but over 400 volunteers to roam the seven thousand streets of the capital.

“It will be almost equal [to first count]. The only change do we welcome more volunteers. When we first count opened the possibility of volunteers sign up and we had to accept some not, because we had no teams coordinating condition to do so. At this point we assume that we could follow up the 1200 volunteers that will enable us [to have] more eyes on the reality, “he told Lusa the administrator of the Social Action SCML, Rita Valadas.

The official says the recount was scheduled for later this year, with the objective of evaluating the developments of the homeless in Lisbon, but was brought forward due to weather, since this month is more “mild” and out of the winter and summer peak seasons in this population is more volatile and fickle.

“Like the first edition, the geographic reference base is the parish. This initiative has been presented to the partner institutions within the core working with the homeless, and parish councils, “said Rita Valadas.

The entities” have involved all institutions working in planning axis with the homeless and different interests of parish councils, because some have very present phenomenon and some not so, “he said.


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