Revenue from the test certificates Key for Schools , of Cambridge University, conducted in April last year allowed at least pay all expenses related to the conduct of those tests. This allowed none of the four partner companies in this project (BPI, the Connexall, Novabase and Porto Editora) had to shell out any money.
That’s right was granted to PUBLIC by Pedro Carvalho, who signed the protocol with the Institute for Educational Assessment (Yahweh) as representative of Connexall, a company software based in Canada. The Yahweh refuses to advance the amounts involved in this project and explain why the certificates of payment receipts, which cost 25 euros to most sure 20,000 students who so requested, were passed by Bissaya Barreto Foundation, which does not appear as a partner in the launch of the draft protocol.
The foundation also refuses to explain this fact by referring to the explanations Yahweh , who says he was responsible for the “conclusions and final report of the project for the academic year 2013/2014″.
The Porto Editora and Novabase also not answered questions the PUBLIC, sending the response to the Yahweh . The Porto Editora sent, however, a note which highlights “remarkable social conscience” of the initiative and the fact that “allow all students to assess and consolidate their English language skills in an external evaluation framework defined by a prestigious institution international “.
The BPI did not respond promptly to the PUBLIC questions. The exception was the Connexall. “The application of the protocol had no cost to the company. Zero cost, “said Pedro Carvalho, who explains that the partners assumed the financial risk of the project, in the same proportion, if it does not reveal self-sustaining. “If the expected revenue from the issuance of the certificates, were not enough to fund the project, the partners assume the missing values by way of patronage,” Pedro Carvalho needs.
The head of Connexall, which has an office in Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, insists that the company had no commercial interest in this project and integrated partner list just because it has a particular interest in learning English, the official language of the firm. And guaranteed not know how much was paid to Cambridge Language Assessment Inglês, who never kept “no direct link”.
Without giving a background reason, Pedro Carvalho says Connexall left the partnership at the end of the year academic 2013/2014, when the Ministry of Education decided to replace the key test for Schools, by examining with a degree of difficulty above, the PET (Preliminary Inglês Test). It is precisely the writing component of the test to be held on Wednesday by 111 thousand students. This is the teachers’ strike called by Fenprof not disturb the completion of the race. The deadline for carrying out the test oral component runs until May 22.
Roughly while students perform the test, the responsible Fenprof drive to the National Anti-Corruption Unit of the PJ deliver more elements related to the case. The Yahweh , only clarifies a email , that “so far has not been notified of anything nor requested any documentation you” in this process. Also Connexall and Porto Editora report have not been contacted by the PJ, telling herself available to collaborate on research.
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