Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cinema. Tickets to 2.5 euros from Monday – iOnline

Cinema. Tickets to 2.5 euros from Monday


Three days of exhibitions Journal i 10/05 / 2015 11:01:06


Film Festival Organization expects 200,000 spectators.


The Feast of Cinema, which begins on Monday for three days of exhibitions with tickets costing 2.5 euros, hopes to win at least 200 thousand people, said Nuno Sousa of the organization.

Between Monday and Wednesday, 11 and May 13, tickets will cost 2.5 euros for any session (except for films with 3D glasses).


This is the first edition of the Film Festival, an initiative organized by exhibitors and Portuguese distributors, to “celebrate the cultural and social act of going to the movies,” a panorama of consecutive breaks of spectators and box office.

Between Monday and Wednesday, 11 and May 13, tickets will cost 2.5 euros for any session (except for films with 3D glasses) at any of the 500 adherents movie theaters, universe which covers all district capitals.

“The expectations are high,” he admitted Nuno Sousa, representing the exhibitors in the organization of the Film Festival. Only the fact that exhibitors and distributors have joined to this initiative “is a victory,” he said.

“When we are talking about 500 rooms, are all. Will the big display groups to the rooms smaller, the film clubs, “he said.

The Film Festival replicates a similar initiative exists in France and in particular in Spain, whose edition happens precisely on the same dates.

But while in Spain it takes a prior registration to go to the movies, in Portugal access is simplified, he explained Nuno Sousa. Just choose the session and buy the ticket. You can purchase tickets in advance in exhibiting that have sales and reservations ‘online’.

To Nuno Sousa, the least that is expected in the first Festival of Cinema is the membership of 200 000 spectators in three days, and if exceed expectations, the organization is considering doing a second edition in the fall.

The exhibitor also expects the Film Festival marque presence on the calendar, create and print custom viewers in a dynamic market that justifies “that produce domestic films to debut in the context of the festival. ” “This is what happens already in Spain.”

In poster are some Portuguese films on display, including “Captain Falcon” by João Leitão, “other country”, Sergio Tréfaut, and “Stop me suddenly the thought. “, by Jorge Pelicano

The Ideal Cinema display within the party, three films by Paulo Rocha:” If I were a thief stole … “,” Green Years “and” change of life “, these digital version restored.

The Film Festival takes place in a context of consecutive breaks in the presence of spectators in theaters, scenery justified by Nuno Sousa by the economic crisis and by the multiplication of platforms movie viewing.

According to data from the Film and Audiovisual Institute, Portugal registered in 2014, the worst movie consumption values ​​in the classroom, since 2004, with 12 million viewers and 62.7 million ticket revenue euros.

In 2014 each film session was, on average, with 20 spectators.

However, the first quarter of 2015 showed an increase both viewers and revenue, driven by the premiere of the film “The fifty shades of Grey.”

Between January and March, commercial displays of film across the country registered 3.3 million spectators and € 17.1 million in gross ticket revenue.

Registration is expected to remain high in April, because the premiere of the movie “Fast and the Furious 7″. Since his debut in Portugal, April 2, already amounted to more than 761,000 spectators and 4.1 million ticket revenue euros.





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