Saturday, October 11, 2014

Online sale of imported weapons – SUN Newspapers

The PSP seized yesterday in Cascais, 76 reproductions of firearms that were in the possession of a man of 34 years that the matter of Poland, introducing them illegally in the domestic market through the online sale.

Man will be subject to payment of a fine that may vary between € 400 and € 4,000

These weapons are classified as weapons of class A, and its possession and sale of weapons prohibited by law and ammunition to be faithful copies of firearms, which can lead to its misuse for committing crimes.

The man, who has previous convictions related to weapons transformed, was identified by the agents of the Center for Firearms and Explosives and will now be subject to payment of a fine that may vary between € 400 and € 4,000.

In the PSP fits the supervision of all activities associated with this type of weapons, including trade, imports and transfers.

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