That is to say we can now eat chocolate at will without feeling guilty. But the best will always opt for the bitter, the richer in cocoa. A study from Columbia University, US, indicates that cacao has benefits for the brain, it helps to reverse loss of memory resulting from aging.
Through images taken by magnetic resonance imaging, a team of Researchers found that there is a specific area of the brain associated with memory loss that occurs naturally with age, experiencing greater vascularity, or increased metabolic activity with cocoa consumption. According to the study published in Nature Neuroscience, quoted in The Guardian, this is the first scientific evidence that memory loss can be reversed with a diet rich in flavo-noides, in cocoa (the main ingredient of chocolate) and can also be found in wine, tea and certain fruits and vegetables.
Contacted by DN, the neurologist Lima Lopes states that “there has been a lot
Read more in the e-paper of DN.
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