Thursday, October 30, 2014

Genetic factor seems decisive to survive, or not, the infection … – Daily News – Lisbon

The evolution of the outbreak of Ebola that is affecting mainly three West African countries – Guinea Conakry, Sierra Leone and Liberia – shows that the difference between surviving or succumbing to the virus infection is not linear. Admittedly timely health care can make the difference between life and death (and, in many cases, have been so), but now is emerging as another looks for decisive outcome of infection: genetic factor.

It is there that points to an article published today in the journal Science research, we developed a new model for studying the disease, using mice genetically different from each other. All the animals infected with the virus (the strain used was Zaire), suffered only a mild or almost

undetectable infections, while others had a more severe condition, and a largely died .

Read more in the print edition or e-paper


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