Thursday, October 23, 2014

Inspectors warn cuts in PJ that “jeopardize” the … – Reuters






Judicial Police Inspectors are starting this Wednesday, and indefinitely, on strike to overtime. The protest is the way that officers found to respond to what they say is the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to approve the employment status of the class.


                         But the PUBLIC, the Justice Ministry said another version. Said he decided to suspend negotiations on the revision of the Constitution “to protect the careers of PJ” since, “when reviewing the statutes, in the current framework, the PJ would run the risk of being reduced to the general system of public functions (Act Work in Public Functions) “. For ministry, this was a way to keep the “rights and duties” of researchers intact.

The protest, however, remains despite this explanation. “The strike is having a very large membership. In some areas of research, such as theft, drug and sexual crimes membership is 100%, “said the president of the Professional Association of Officials of Criminal Investigation (ASFIC), Carlos Garcia. The leader also assured that already in the early hours of Wednesday strike will put in question “some services” but did not say which.

Asked by PUBLIC, the deputy national director of the PJ, Pedro do Carmo, said only that the “right to strike is a right that must be respected, given that its exercise is likely to cause disruption in carrying out some steps.”

In a hand delivered letter on Monday to the Justice Minister Paula Teixeira da Cruz, the ceremony of the 69 anniversary of the PJ, the ASFIC also warns that “PJ has been the target of budget cuts that jeopardize its operation and therefore the effective and fruitful combat more sophisticated and complex “crime. The letter ensures Carlos Garcia, was signed by more than 900 criminal investigation. The PJ has about 1300.

Carlos Garcia, who is not mentioned in the letter referred to any court in the State Budget for 2015, since it was written before it is known, points to “the cuts 60% of consumer “goods arising from previous budgets. In the letter, incidentally, inspectors say they do not accept “the degrading conditions in which we work in PJ, with

decent vehicles museums, printers without toners , an obsolete computer equipment (computers scrap with other institutions the Ministry of Justice) and a system of criminal information and telephone interceptions in need of urgent intervention. “

But the source added that the PJ hardware was recently renovated with 550 computers and that the fleet joined 170 new cars. The same information was confirmed by the Ministry that still gave account of buying “stuff copy and print the amount of 320 thousand euros.”

In the letter, the ASFIC also complains that “for more than five years” that is not “launched a contest to promote” despite “all retirements that have occurred.” On 1 October, however, when it was announced the notice of strike, Paula Teixeira da Cruz also announced an order for authorization to open new tenders for 130 new managers.

So the tutelage says “issue raised by ASFIC is false.” The “joint order” the Minister of Justice and Minister of State and Finance “authorizing the opening of tenders for 80 heads inspectors, 40 engineers and 10 senior criminal coordinators criminal investigation,” says the Ministry of Justice.

Carlos Garcia, however, believes that the opening of these contests “r esultou pressure” of having to ASFIC then “announced the strike.”

The Ministry of Paula Teixeira da Cruz insisted that PJ “has excellent working conditions”, having been has been “endowed with the proper functioning of the fulfillment of its mission budget.” The ministry also noted that “ will take possession soon 72 inspectors who now finish the stage, as well as 92 support staff who will initiate functions” in December, which had already been shown to PUBLIC by source of PJ itself.

On Monday, the national director of the Judiciary, Almeida Rodrigues, defended the indexation of salaries of inspectors of the PJ members of the judiciary, thereby recovering a “tradition” that prevailed in the legal system during many years. Carlos Garcia says this “is a good idea,” but that may just be the “plane of ideas”, since there is to see “how it operates.”

The ASFIC had convened a similar strike last year. At that time, yet criticized the fact that they are not being paid overtime. Also last year, the Justice Minister Paula Teixeira da Cruz, signed an ordinance that has doubled – three euros per hour -. Paying per hour of picketing and prevention



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