Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chocolate is good for your memory, word of investigator – TSF Online

The study was conducted by a team of researchers from Columbia University, US, who through images captured by MRI found that a very specific area of ​​the brain associated with memory wear because of age, had a greater vascularization, that is to say, it had increased blood flow, more nutrients, and therefore recorded over metabolic activity. All together had more predisposed in the memorization process.

This is the explanation given by the coordinator of research, Adam M. Brickman, associate professor of Neuropsychology of the Taub Institute at Columbia University, quoted by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo . The area where the changes occur is “one of the few regions of the adult brain where new memories are formed,” a key area for memory and learning.

In the study, published in Nature Neuroscience, was offered a drink of chocolate to 37 healthy volunteers, aged 50 (the age at which it begins to natural deterioration of memory) and 69 years.

After, randomly, all the days and three months, half of them

prepared in a rich ingested flavonoids, the main ingredient of chocolate, and the other took the other, but with less quantity of the same substance. All participants took an MRI before and one after the test period.

With these images, the authors proved “notable improvements among those who consumed the most amount of flavonoids,” says Brickman. The discovery also this Weds better results in tests of memory that each volunteer was subject.


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