The northern white rhino subspecies is still closer to extinction with the death of Suni. Blame it on human “greed”, criticizes the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, the organization that maintains three copies. Around the world, there are only three more northern white rhinos …
As of Friday, there were only seven northern white rhinos, a subspecies in the process of complete extinction. On that day, the male died in reserve in Kenya where he lived, now announced the conservation organization Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
“Now there are only six white rhinos North worldwide. Suni was one of the last two breeding males in the world and no northern white rhino survived the wild “, warned the organization said in a statement.
The Ol Pejeta Conservancy notes that” the subspecies is now in the process complete extinction “, which he considers to be” an unfortunate testament created by the greed of the human race. “
The organization manages a reserve in Kenya where they live three of the six northern white rhinos still surviving. That leaves a female in Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic, and an elderly couple in San Diego, USA.
The death of Suni, which included 34 years of age, is also a landmark in terms of reproduction because it was the first subspecies to be born in captivity in Czech zoo. Indeed, it is the only place where one was recorded breeding in captivity.
Five years ago, the male ‘moved’ to the reserve in Kenya, together with another male and two
The chances of reproduction were further reduced, but the Ol Pejeta Conservancy still believe that one day, will reporting “the successful birth of a litter of Northern white rhino.”
So far, the attempts failed. Suni spent months with a female in 2012, the first recorded breeding in the period of a decade. Unsuccessfully …
According to Ol Pejeta Conservancy, the male died at the same age of the father, Saut, who died at the Czech zoo.
are not determined the cause of death of Suni, but the organization claims to have discarded the hypothesis hunt for theft of horns, the reason that condemned the subspecies to an increasingly imminent extinction.
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