Tuesday, October 21, 2014

See how it would have been Star Wars Battlefront 3 if it had not been … – IGN Portugal

appeared on the Internet, 30-minute video Star Wars Battlefront 3 phase pre-alpha .

The title that was to be produced by the studio Free Radical would be far from complete, so some will notice this lack of polish on the images in the videos below.

Despite a poor quality graphics, we can observe some interesting content, such as combat vehicles and even presence of Darth Vader, accompanied Princess Leia.

Free Radical, known for his work on the franchise TimeSplitters , has received a proposal from the AND to create the third and fourth title in the franchise Battlefront . Later, the project was canceled and the studio sold, becoming the Crytek UK and now holds the name Deep

Silver Dambuster Studios .

Luckily fans of a of the biggest franchises science fiction does not have to wait long for a new Star Wars Battlefront . The AND revealed in E3 last year that are creating a title was in the original trilogy.


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