Thursday, October 30, 2014

“Being gay was one of the greatest gifts that God has given me” – Pú





“I’m proud to be gay and consider it to be gay was one of the greatest gifts God gave me.” Quote of the chief executive of Apple in an article publicly as a homosexual could not be clearer. The idea was the same. This and declare that despite not being an activist in the community gay will not leave to defend their rights. “I will personally defend equality for all by my toes point up.”


                          Tim Cook writes in the Thursday edition of the Bloomberg Businessweek . Article talks about her sexuality and how it was received at Apple and how influenced his personal and professional life.

The man who succeeded in office the charismatic Steve Jobs three years ago always wanted to “maintain a basic level of privacy” and that Apple was only mentioned by their products and their use. Quoting a phrase from Martin Luther King – “What are you doing for others?” -, Cook explains that the desire to keep private your personal life prevented him from doing “something more important”

. “I was open to many people about my sexual

orientation for years,. Many colleagues at Apple know I am gay and it does not seem to make a difference in how they treat me. Of course I was lucky to work for a company that loves the creativity and innovation and knows he can flourish only when we accept the differences in people. Not all are so lucky, “he writes.

If until now his homosexuality was kept private, Tim Cook says that it is time, after 53 years of talking. “So let me be clear: I am proud to be gay and consider it to be gay was one of the greatest gifts God gave me.”

The leader says homosexuality allowed better understand what being a minority. Enabled him to become more “empathetic” to have “confidence” in being as it is and be superior to the “adversity and fanaticism.” “It also gave me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in very handy when you’re Apple’s CEO.”

Tim Cook said that “part of social progress is to understand that a person is not defined only by its sexuality, race or gender. ” “I’m an engineer, an uncle, a lover of nature, a madman for fitness , a son of the South, a fanatic for sports, and many other things. I hope people will respect my desire to focus on the things for which I am more prepared and work that brings me joy. “



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