Sunday, October 26, 2014

Suspected boycott the Citius leaves Justice “under suspicion” – the Minute News

The judges showed themselves, in statements to the public, concerned with the suspicion that there may have been intended to boycott the Citius platform that was 44 days inactive. And more. The judges want the investigation to be as brief as possible because only then can “prevent further damage to the credibility of justice.”

On Friday, the Institute of Management Financial Equipment and Justice (IGFEJ) gave the Justice Department a report on the “chaos” in Citius pointing to the existence of evidence that middle managers have omitted important information about the guardianship status of the platform.

Against this backdrop, Paula Teixeira da Cruz sent the document to the Attorney General’s Office and opened an internal investigation to determine liability.

In the wake of this new controversy, the newspaper Público spoke with some unions of the justice sector and they all advocated a swift investigation into the case.

The Secretary-General of the Trade Union Association of Portuguese Judges, Maria José Coast, described the situation as “extremely serious” and argued that “the suspicion or omissions that

occurred boycott the platform has to be quickly clarified, “because, underlines, is the only way to” prevent further damage to the credibility of justice. “

A similar opinion is the president of the Union of Judicial Officers considering that with all this controversy is “the system of justice that is under suspicion.”

The president of the Union of Prosecutors used the occasion to again defend the need for the computer system Justice now be managed by the judiciary and “not by the Ministry”, because stresses, the system must be “robust”.


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