Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tim Cook superstar – Express

It was as if the university had announced that it would offer for sale tickets for a concert of a mega-band. In five minutes, the capacity of the large auditorium of the University of Bocconi in Milan, exhausted, to the dismay of several thousand students from eight in the morning of the appointed day, October 22, sat at the computer trying to inscrever- is.

Marcelo insisted well but not getting better ‘password’ as the 700. Thomas stayed with the number 1048. Maria were filled to make ‘refresh’ the page, but with more than five thousand people ahead soon lost hope of getting a place in a room with capacity for 900 and they still had to welcome teachers and special guests. For these three Portuguese students that university remains the possibility of seeing Tim Cook, the man who succeeded Steve Jobs ahead of Apple, one of the many screens installed in the building and watch the broadcast in streaming.

It’s weird imagine that a manager can drag hordes of young people to see and hear. But if there were doubts Apple’s popularity, especially among the younger generations, it was clarified evil Tim Cook came on Tuesday in the room and heard the first enthusiastic applause and the continued firing of cameras, and of course, rose by all iphones and ipads room, two of the most successful products the company launched today, to record the moment.

Mario Monti, President of the University, with Tim Cook, after the opening speech

Mario Monti, President of the University, with Tim Cook, after the opening speech

In his opening address, Mr Monti, former Prime Minister of Italy and President of the University of Bocconi, insisted on the tell Tim Cook: “You can not imagine the enthusiasm with which our students received the news that would come here to mark our official opening of the school year only comparable to a rock star or a. famous athlete. Minutes after the start of the inscriptions, were soon exhausted. “The press does not lagged behind, with more than a hundred accredited reporters to the event last year, had a guest Christine Lagarde, director of the International Monetary Fund .

What Tim Cook have?

But what does Tim Cook, besides being considered by the magazine “Forbes” as one of the most influential men in the world, to be ahead of the company hitting record valuation on the stock exchange and whose brand is considered as the most valuable in the world? Probably the popularity of this discreet man 55 years old, tall, with gray hair, the results from the fame of Apple products than its own personality and route.

The inscription & # XE7; & # xF5; s to watch & # xE0; Prele & # XE7; & # XE3, the Tim Cook, made h & # XE1; almost one m & # XEA; s, sold out in five minutes

Registration to attend the lecture of Tim Cook, made almost a month ago, sold out five minutes

Of course, the company continued to get more and better results since taking over the CEO position in 2011, after the death of former president and co founder of Apple, the much more controversial Steve Jobs. And that much of the revival of Apple late last century occurred after hiring Tim Cook.

Francesco Paolo, 24, a student who managed to secure a place in the auditorium as well explains the enthusiasm: “A leader is a source of inspiration. Especially for students of management. Of course I’m also a fan of Apple products. It is a mark so iconic! “He says, while reviews the many photos taken with your iPhone and choose those that will publish on Instagram or sharing with friends via What’s App.

A queue tight waiting for the “rock star”

At his side, over a hundred young people forms a tight queue at the door, waiting long minutes for the exit of Tim Cook. Again, the picture resembles more a concentration of fans waiting for some star in the world of music or movies than the business world.

In fact, anything that involved the participation of Apple’s CEO at the ceremony had to be thoroughly combined between the company and the directors of Bocconi. The title of the paper was kept secret until almost the last minute rules were set for the work of photographers and guaranteed security. And Cook only speak 20 minutes, was told.

Changing the world

And so it was. For precisely 20 minutes, in a speech mainly facing students in that he recalled his early days at Duke University, where he completed MBA and learned one of the “most important lessons” of his life: “With five other students we formed a group study and a group of friends who stayed for life. We were all different, with different political views, different ethnic backgrounds, each with their interests and goals. But we used just that to become stronger. More than any class, I remember the camaraderie and teamwork. I believe that the best companies in the world will be those with such diversity and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn this lesson early. “

Lesson after lesson, Tim Cook was leaving messages and appeals to young people from the audience, many of whom will be part of the new generation of managers and entrepreneurs. Championed the fight against discrimination, regardless of “where we saw, as we seem, we pray or we love” – ​​”Apple is a company open to all, always has been, because that’s simply the right thing to have,” insisted the . discreet president of the company, who in 2014 publicly claimed his homosexuality / 11.12.2015-tim-cook-university-milan / original / mw-480 480w, original / mw-680 680W, 768w, http: // images-cdn. 960W, -University-milan / original / mw-1024 1024w, 1280w, http: / / 1920w, 12-tim-cook-university-milan / original / mw-2048 2048w " date-sizes=" (min-width: 1280px) 680px (min-width: 768px) 75vw, 100vw " src="">

Tim Cook during his 20-minute speech, with timed

He spoke long minutes on the impact of changes climate and how it was the duty of individuals and organizations to take environmental protection. The importance of preserving the privacy rights of consumers, at a time when almost everything that involves our lives is recorded on mobile phones and computers. And how “everyone can and should help make the world a better place.”

“The problems and challenges that exist are too large and complex to be solved by governments alone. Business at its best happen when they serve the public good, “argued Tim Cook, who believes that Apple has had its contribution to the improvement of people’s lives:” It’s what motivates us at Apple: more than making money, we want leave the world better than it was when we started. With the products we develop we want people to have the power to do things they could not before, that connect and share the most important moments of your life and become more productive and creative. “

 & # x201C; Break borders & # x201D ;, Tim Cook advised students of Bocconi

“Break borders” advised Tim Cook to students of Bocconi

Of course it out were controversies involving Apple, as the charges of alleged tax evasion, with the statement of income in other countries the tax burden is lower. The message that Cook wanted to spend and students listened in silence was another devotee: “Also you can help change the world and improve people’s lives. Use your voice, reject the pre-assumed things, break boundaries. “

Performing Invasion

In the end, what broke was the same protocol and the organization. After much applause and enthusiastic about the moment, dozens of students stormed the stage, to take ‘selfies’ with the president of Apple. Cook agreed and helped himself to take some. Unsurprisingly, what more I could see were iphones.

Good luck to those who could be in the auditorium, too bad for those who had to wait outside. The organization changed turns to students who also hoped for a picture and Tim Cook, as a star hounded by fans, has finally come out through another door.

Bocconi University, a milestone in Economics and Management

Founded in 1902, the University Bocconi is the most important institution of higher education in Italy in Management, Economics and Finance and one of the most prestigious European and global level. International rankings of the “Financial Times” and the QS World University Rankings (the rankings most consulted by students in Europe and Asia) placed in the top 10 European and the top 30 worldwide, and the goal for 2020 climb a few more places: “The Bocconi want to be among the top five European universities and get into the top 20 world”, says the rector, Andrea Sironi. It is no coincidence that the chief executive of Apple agreed to participate in the opening ceremony of the academic year at the university, private but non-profit, on Tuesday.

Among undergraduate courses, masters and doctoral programs, the University has almost 14,000 students, 11 percent of them foreigners. Several courses are fully given in English and about half of tenured teachers were not born in Italy.

Among the more than 250 partnerships with foreign schools agreement, are four Portuguese, who every year send students for Bocconi and get as many in return:. business schools of the Catholic in Lisbon and Porto, the New School of Business And Economics and ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management

* Journalist Expresso traveled at the invitation of the University of Bocconi


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