One of the highlights of this International Year of Light is the celebration precisely today, 25 November, the greatest work of the centenary of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which describes gravity, surpassing Newton. Was one of the greatest achievements of the human spirit: it was realized that such seemingly disparate concepts as space, time, matter and energy were connected by a mathematical equation that long efforts culminated in demand for a unified description of the universe. Today this equation remains standing, despite all the theoretical and experimental advances to overthrow. In fact, the Nature revealed nothing so far to make us doubt the solidity of Einsteinian description.
For me and for many others who choose physics as a profession, Einstein was a youth hero. I did not feel much seduced by the iconic hand, surely the most visible: the good air wise, abundant hair, wool sweater and sandals. It was before the lure of invisible, that your figure personified better than any other. It embodies the idea that the world is understandable. I do not know why, but it is. Physical Einstein was a little philosopher when he declared: “ What’s more incomprehensible in the world is the fact that it is comprehensible.” can be difficult, but it is possible to decipher the mysteries of the world. The Swiss scholar, born in Germany, also once said that: “ God is subtle but not malicious” Not him being a religious person in the usual sense, he meant that the universe is intricate. but its mechanisms are accessible to the human mind. The continued work of physicists and other scientists have confirmed this statement
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The light of Einstein
There was a day when there was yesterday
Incomprehensible is also the fact that the world prove understandable using equations. Einstein’s brain produced a hundred years ago an equation, whose beauty amazed the author himself (“ The theory is incomparably beautiful ” commented), allowing predictions that were to prove well-aimed about world: a tiny deviation of Mercury’s orbit in relation to predicted using Newton’s laws; a small deflection by the Sun’s light from stars behind it; black holes, cosmic abysses that are local purposes of space-time; and Big Bang which is the beginning of the global space-time from a prodigious concentration of energy. Galileo had said that “ the Book of Nature is written in mathematical characters “. And Newton had written the Natural Philosophy Mathematical Principles , containing
Roland Barthes, the semiotician and French philosopher such as the largest theory Einstein was born a hundred years ago (designadanente the November 12, 1915), wrote in his Mythologies (Editions 70, 1978): “(…) the product of his invention took a magic condition, reincarnava the old and esoteric image a science entirely closed some letters. There is one secret of this secret world and condenses in a word, the universe is a safe that mankind seeks the figure: Einstein came close to finding her, this is the Einstein myth; there is the face again all gnostic themes: unity of nature, the unreal possibility of a fundamental reduction in the world, the word opening power, the ancestral struggle between a secret and a language, the idea that knowing full can not figure out is if not in one fell swoop, like a lock that gives way abruptly after a thousand tacteamentos unfruitful. “
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