Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rumor indicates that iPhone 7 can come without traditional audio connection – Pplware

Launched a few months ago, the iPhone 6s is currently the smartphone that everyone tries to overcome. But even with this model to give cards, Apple has already developing the successor iPhone.

Rumors emerged now realize the first new developments that can be expected. Again back the information that the iPhone will abandon the traditional audio connection.


Still will too early to know what the new iPhone will bring mainly because Apple is still to define its shape and final configuration.

We are the months of the probable release date of this new model, but that does not stop to emerge the first rumors and the first ideas of what will be the iPhone 7.

An information arising from the Japanese site Mac Otakara realizes that Apple may be preparing to abandon the traditional audio connection and will only use its proprietary connection Lightning.

This change would allow Apple to get something that has long try and which is also requested by users iPhone. We talk about reducing the thickness of your smartphone, something that will be possible without the presence of the connector to the jack of 3.5mm.

This amendment, and also according to the rumor launched, would allow the iPhone 7 is 1 mm thinner than the current 7.1mm iPhone 6s. This gain could be even greater if the comparison is made with the iPod Touch, which has 6,1mm.

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use the Lightning interface will allow them to be used headphones with better audio quality with DAC (digital conversion for audio), as well as allowing use MFi specifications, which Apple released in 2014 for their equipment and for its partners.

There are already on the market some proposals that make use of this Lightning connector, which connect to all the latest mobile devices from Apple.

Of course it should be also released audio adapters for lightning to allow users to use the traditional headphones.

If this decision becomes a reality, Apple may face the same dislike of opinions that arose when the company changed the 30-pin connection cable Lightning, which is the standard today of their equipment.


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