Friday, November 27, 2015

Apple buys capture company of Star Wars movements, Faceshift – IGN Portugal

Apple announced the purchase of Faceshift, the company responsible for the motion capture technology used in Star Wars:. The Force Wake

The Faceshift specializes in 3D animation software, to be able to capture the facial expressions of the actors. Despite the purchase is already a official data, we do not know what were the amounts involved in the business, or what the company’s Apple intends to do with the Faceshift.

An Apple representative only said this in statement sent to TechCrunch: “The Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, but generally do not discuss our purpose or plan”

Faceshift differs from the other capture technologies movements, which are traditionally marks on the face. the actors to record the movements. The Faceshift can do the same without brands and without the high cost associated with the process.

“The studio Faceshift is a software solution Face motion recognition, which revolutionized facial animation, making it possible on any desktop, “can be read in the description of the company itself.

” The software analyzes the actor’s face movements and describes -the a mixture of basic expressions, head direction and gaze direction. This description is then used to animate virtual characters in any area that requires this type of animation, is producing a play or a movie. “

One of the moment theories says us that the purchase of Faceshift may be part of Apple’s secret plan to enter the virtual reality industry.

In August, Fortune reported that the

analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray investment bank, believed Apple would have featured a team of engineers dedicated to virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), couple realize what would be achieved in an environment of this nature.

Aníbal Gonçalves is a video game enthusiast, Troll, the IGN editor Portugal and complete geek in your free time. You can follow him onDarthyo

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