Recently some games from the old Xbox 360 gained compatibility with the new Xbox One, but in the case of the Playstation ecosystem there is no kind of backward compatibility. However, this scenario may be about to change. At Wired, Sony revealed that PS2 titles will be able to be played on the PS4, through a emolução system.
The details are still few. But this is the first sign of openness on the side of Sony regarding the backward compatibility. In June, the company had revealed disinterest in making PS3 games compatible with the PS4. Despite the announcement now made not relate to the PS3, we can take some PS2 games from the drawer and return to play them.
The Sony confirmed to Wired that is “work to use PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games for current-generation console “. We do not know what games are these but the publication Digital Foundry, quoted by Eurogamer, advances that there are now three titles in store: Star Wars Racer Revenge , Star Wars Jedi Starfighter and Star Wars Bounty Hunter .
These three classics are a kind of extra game Star Wars Battlefront , this week released for PS4. Digital Foundry walked to search the code for these games originally released for the PS2 and realized that they were not remastered. Instead, they are going in PS4 through emulator.
Through emulation can be created a specific computing environment, which in this case means to recreate the atmosphere of a PS2 in a PS4. In this way, the old console games can be played in the new as if they were running on your native system. Digital Foundry says the three titles already available have better visual quality and better performance.
It is not known how many more titles in the
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