Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Search wizard voice of Google’s (still) smarter – SAPO Tek

According to Google, the application has been improved and now realizes the natural language and more complex issues. In practice this means that came to understand not only the questions but also the meaning of what is being asked.

From the Inside Search blog explained that the new capacity on some examples (in English ), referring to the application came to realize superlative, when asked “what are the tallest players of X team?” or “what are the biggest cities in the US state of Texas?”.

also came to understand the relationship over time, or more specifically the dates, it is possible to sort the questions “what songs released Y singer in 2014?”.

In the end, it is possible to mix all this and make complex questions like “Who was the president of the United States when the Angels won the World Series?”, forcing Google’s voice assistant to perceive the different parts “temporal” and “cultural” of the issue, so you can present correct answer.

Google’s research team warns that the voice assistant is still “grow and learn, which means they make mistakes,” but challenges users to use the next time app who feel curious about something “now that we are committed to better understand your questions, so we can give the best answers to whatever it is you seek.”

href="http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30522643/api.addthis.com?p=eyJzIjoiYl9UcGlnVVo0UDNpLWE3VVAtc2l5VEY4TjdFIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUyMjY0MyxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvYXBpLmFkZHRoaXMuY29tXFxcL29leGNoYW5nZVxcXC8wLjhcXFwvZm9yd2FyZFxcXC9mYWNlYm9va1xcXC9vZmZlcj91cmw9aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRmlua25vdC5ob2wuZXMlMkZiMmM2LXBvcnR1Z2lzJTJGc2VhcmNoLXdpemFyZC12b2ljZS1vZi1nb29nbGVzLXN0aWxsLXNtYXJ0ZXItc2Fwby10ZWslMkZcIixcImlkXCI6XCIwYzBlMWMyODBjZTQ0Yjc1ODUyY2UzZWI3ZTVjNDkzZVwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjBjYTRmNDZkNjY4MWIzZDIyYzgxYWI5N2I5NjUwY2VkMDRmZTNmZmFcIl19In0" target="_blank">LikeTweet

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