Friday, November 27, 2015

AMD closes support for the Radeon HD 5000 video cards until 8000 – Gamescenter

AMD released on the 24th which is ending support for the Radeon HD series video cards 5000,6000,7000 (HD 7600 down) and 8000 (In HD 8400 down), alleging that they have reached the level maximum performance and the company intends to focus only on new products.

There will also be a reduction in suggested prices for all AMD video cards in the United States. Video cards series R9 300 fell by $ 50.00 models 390x and 390. While the R9 380 4GB will cost $ 179.00. This fall in prices should have a positive impact in Brazil since all are imported.

 Radeon Software Crimson Edition >

Radeon Software Crimson Edition

Along with both of the details, the new Radeon Software Crimson Edition was released, bringing news for all boards Video AMD – the series that were “retired” this week are included in this new beta driver. The driver will feature a new user interface and improved performance. In addition to improved energy efficiency with stability being enhanced in

the testing period. You can check out more information about the official website of AMD .


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