Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Discovered the most distant object in the solar system – Express

Comments made from the Japanese Subaru telescope detected the most distant object in the solar system – an icy body, registered as V774104, with between 500-1000 kilometers in diameter, which is 15.5 billion kilometers away the Sun, 103 farther than the Earth and three times more than Pluto.

The previous record of a more distant object detected around the solar system was the dwarf planet Eris, within their orbit moves between 5,7 billion and 14.6 billion distance from the sun.

Astronomers will need another year of observations to realize what the form and orbit of V774104 and it will be to move away from or closer to the sun.

The discovery was announced the 47th annual meeting of the Division of astronomer American Society for Planetary Sciences taking place close to Washington.

The team behind the discovery is led by Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science, and Chad Trujillo, of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii.

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