Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Now you can reset the buttons on the Xbox One of command – Eurogamer.pt

You can reset the buttons of the Xbox One command.

Before this feature was only available in Elite command, which is considerably more expensive than normal command console, but as part of the “New Xbox One Experience “, Microsoft has provided this possibility to all users.

In the normal controls, the buttons will be exchanged in pairs, to ensure that the command is always mapped all the buttons. Explaining better if they want to map the RT button A, then A becomes activated in the RT button. The new mapping will be stored on the console, but not in charge. Binding the command to another console, you will have to map the buttons again.

The advantage of Elite command is that it has more functions. For example, the buttons are only required A and B. In addition, it is possible that many buttons have the same function. Any changes made will be saved in charge.

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