Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Alentejo pulls the regionalization in the 40 years of the Constitution – publico





The Alentejo will hold a conference on regionalization, on the 2nd of April next year, when the Constitution of the full Portugal 40, to remember that the creation of administrative regions, provided for in the Basic Law of . 1976 remains unfulfilled

The Amalentejo Congress, scheduled for Trojan Conference Centre, Grândola municipality, is being organized by Amalentejo a move to promote economic and social development of the Alentejo, established in April this year, politically Cross, which brings together personalities from across the region – with the support of local authorities and municipalities, and other institutions such as the four Alentejo intermunicipal communities.

The meeting program consists of three panels that aim to affirm many other key ideas: local authorities are irreplaceable agents of development; realize a lack of local government levels, administrative regions; and show the regionalization benefits through the experiences of other countries in Europe

For the latter purpose, to show European regionalization experiences, are invited to come to Troy representatives of four administrative regions:. Andalusia and Extremadura, Spain, Tuscany, Italy, and a French region.

The initiative was officially launched last Friday with sessions presenting literally the four corners of the Alentejo. The president of the Regional Tourism Organization of Alentejo and Ribatejo (ERTAR), António Ceia da Silva, and the former communist deputy José Soeiro, both members of the conference committee, made a presentation in Grândola, with the Intermunicipal Community of the Alentejo Litoral (CIMAL); in Beja, with the Intermunicipal Community of the Lower Alentejo (Cimbal); in Évora, with the Intermunicipal Community of Central Alentejo (Cimac); and Portalegre, with the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Alentejo (Cimaa).

The president of CIMAL and mayor of Alcacer do Sal, Vítor Proença, believes, therefore, that the Trojan congress will be “a stone in the pond” in the country, at a time when regionalization is beginning to be again defended by names of several supporters quadrants. The Alentejo mayor highlights of Fernando Rio actual position, the Mayor of Braga, elected by the PSD, “which has been publicly defending regionalization”.

Victor Proenca explained that Day 2 was chosen April for the holding of the meeting, precisely because it is a “very expensive date the defenders of democracy and the constitution,” timely and appropriate to state that “lack comply regionalization and replace the local

government in place” in the organization the state.

Similarly, José Soeiro states that “local authorities are amputated a part of it, because there is no regionalization,” and that the corresponding functions to the administrative regions have been “usurped by the central government “.

Prosecutors Congress ensure that it is a plural meeting, open to all party guidelines. The former communist deputy declared that “there is no partidarites, religion or clubismo” and Supper da Silva, a former deputy for the PS adds it will be a “historic day, on which it will not discuss the small problems, but only one great goal “.

When asked by PUBLIC whether the new leftist majority in Parliament can give more hope to the advancement of regionalization, officials reveal an ambition that also extends to the right.

“There is no political party assumption” says Ceia da Silva, for whom the subject can even earn “unanimity” in Parliament. “What we hope is that all the members do their duty to support the creation of administrative regions”.

The organization of the congress not advance to the issue of the map, because for now the priority is to put the issue of regionalization, but no hypothesis is excluded for now. José Soeiro admits that the map which consisted in the national referendum on regionalization, which had administrative region of Alentejo from the coast to the Spanish border, is a probability. But there are others, like the Alentejo split into two, or even a third hypothesis, which includes the Setúbal peninsula in Great Alentejo region.




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