A hacker broke into the client database of Chinese manufacturer VTech toys. About 5 million parents and more than 200,000 children had exposed personal information. The information came from the motherboard that has prompted VTech.
Along with the account data such as user names and password in the gadget are also stored personal data, including real names, email addresses, physical addresses and IP addresses of clients. What may be more alarming is the access that this hacker had data of children, such as age, gender and birth date.
The Chinese manufacturer announced the breach on Friday, but did not reveal users the gravity of the situation. The statement of the press itself the company did not mention how many people were affected by the hacker or what information was violated.
Motherboard interviewed the person who violated the information, and asked what he intended to do with the data. The hacker said ‘nil’, though it could easily sell this information online. He revealed that the company had access to the database using a technique known as “SQL injection”. This method is based on inserting malicious commands on the website or software.
The VTech has informed the users of the incident, but according to a security expert, it seems that parents can not rely on Chinese company. In addition to this violation, a series of failures in security practices for an analysis of how VTech handles the data found on their websites
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