Saturday, November 21, 2015

PS2 games will be able to be played on the PS4 – publico





Who still have games for the PlayStation 2 can take them out of the drawer and re-throw them soon on PlayStation 4, according to an emulation technology developed by Sony that will allow older titles are used on the console latest.

The Sony confirmed to Wired that is to “work to use PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games for the current generation” consoles, but refused to advance details

Among the games where this compatibility will be implemented are some of the titles of the Star Wars saga – Star Wars:. Racer Revenge Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter and Star Wars:. Bounty Hunter

Through emulation technology you can create a specific computing environment, which in this case means to recreate the atmosphere of a PS2 in a PS4. This will allow the console games are played as if they were running in their native system, but with better resolution in some cases.

Wired points out that PS4 was so far the only Sony’s console to be released without any form of backward compatibility.

With the games of the PS2 that they can be played on the PS4, the company recovers some of the classics that brought you great results in the past, back to sell them new players and increases

the number of titles available for its latest console.

Similar to what Sony is doing the emolução technology had already been a resource used by Microsoft for the Xbox One. At this point, it is possible to play Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One.



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