Thursday, November 26, 2015

PrimeIT is looking for 20 young talents to “incubate” – SAPO Tek

Named Business Management Center (BMC), the new structure aims to ensure advanced training and personal and professional development in the management area of ​​IT and Telecom, “to equip the Portuguese youth the necessary skills to become new market leaders, “indicates Inês Alves, head of human resources at PrimeIT.

And what are these characteristics? “The key characteristics of a Primer, cut across any function,” he says, naming the “proactive, excellent soft skills to overcome the daily challenges and commitment to be plugged into a successful international company.”

The requirements to be part of the 20 “magnificent” that will compose the BMC include: bachelor’s or master’s degree completed; professional experience up to three years; eligibility for IEFP stage; and full availability to start full-time in January 2016.

Applicants who meet the requirements can send your CV via email with the subject “Recruitment BMC” or record your online application.

The BMC will work in the PrimeIT office in a new adapted space, is added in a statement sent to the press.

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