Saturday, November 14, 2015

Facebook tool lets users notify in Paris who are well – publico





Following the attacks in Paris, Facebook enabled a feature that lets users notify friends that are good.

The confirmation can be made by himself or by another person. Each person can access a list where you see who are the people you know that have been marked to be safe. It also shows people that the social network known to be in the area of ​​Paris and whose safety has not been confirmed.

“My thoughts are with everyone in Paris tonight,” wrote the president of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. “Violence like this has no place in any city or country in the world. Have activated the security check, so if you’re in Paris, can point to himself as being safe or know how are your friends and family. “

The functionality was created a year ago to situations crisis and was first used this year after the earthquake that rocked Nepal in April.

Google, meanwhile, announced that it will make free calls to France from its mobile communications application, called Hangout. The functionality will be available on iPhone and Android mobile phones.

Now on Twitter, users created the hashtag #PorteOuverte (“open #porta”) on the night of the attacks as a way to help people in the streets of Paris to find whoever was

available to receive them at home.



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