Friday, November 27, 2015

Portugal absent from Bing maps with traffic cameras – EN Journal

The maps Bing, Microsoft’s see now allow transit through 35,000 cameras. Portugal, however, not part of the list of 11 countries where you can query this resource

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You want to avoid getting stopped on transit and see in real time how is the traffic on the main roads? The maps Bing already allow, but for now only in 11 countries … and Portugal is not one of them.

Since Tuesday that Microsoft’s map service provides the captured images, in real time, for about 35 000 traffic cameras.

This Bing feature is Microsoft’s response to advances in maps of large rival services, Google and Apple.

Referring Bing Maps a region that is part of this feature, simply click in the ‘Traffic’ to the roads arise with different colors, like a light reflecting traffic intensity .

Approaching a road, you can query the available cameras and see through them, in real time, as is the traffic.

A user that you always use the same channels can also choose the option of keeping the cameras ‘peeked’ in the latest consultations.

Microsoft did not say when will include more countries, such as Portugal, this feature to see traffic.

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