Monday, November 30, 2015

7 iPhone will be thinner but lose audio 3.5 – EN Journal


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The market for smartphones is constantly developing. Day after day are presented novelties in this segment and evil has arrived equipment to the market, the next version comes just a development phase. Apple is quite the example

According to a Japanese Mac Otakara rumor site, Apple will make him -. When you leave the iPhone 7 – to acquire some new headphones. Or offer you a …

Although it is too early to speak of development forecasts of the next version of the iPhone, the truth is that the rumors do not usually walk very far from what is presented at the time of release .

According to this source, Apple, iPhone 7, must leave the audio input of 3.5, starting to implement its own entrance for headphones, called Lightning.

idea of ​​this amendment, although it seems misplaced and could lead many people to lose money – either because of having to buy some new headphones, either because of seeing the old unusable – has a purpose that can please (even more) many Apple fans .

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The idea is to develop an iPhone even thinner than the current one. For this to be possible, leave the 3.5 smartphone is indispensable. Therein lies the idea of ​​Apple (according to this rumor), make an even thinner device.

If many users purchase the Apple iPhone to be a fine and beautiful smartphone, for that matter, this may be even more attractive in the future if this

rumor were to come about. Apple dominates when it comes to design and know perfectly what the market asks. A smartphone that despite being increasingly be able to become almost invisible in the pocket will certainly delight many users.


Next iPhone may not have input for headphones – RTP

| Technology

not cooled yet the enthusiasm about the last “ smartphone ” Apple’s iPhone 6, and already begins to circulate some of the news that the new equipment brand can bring or not.

It is the Macotakara blog, very careful the brand new features, launched a rumor that the next generation of iPhone , Apple may even fail to have the traditional entrance to ear.

The interest of the brand is to make the finest iPhone7 and this will have to give up some “hardware”.

According to the Japanese blog the new connection system will be done through “bluetooth” but it will also be possible to use headphones elderly, jack 3.5 mm, using an adapter that will use the “lightning port rather” that is in the same place where it enters the phone cord.

The new cable will be a kind of converter, digital-to-audio, with compatibility for headset jack standard stereo 3.5mm .

In addition to this possible breakthrough, the new system may also be able to draw power so as to include an amplifier, for example, or send more detailed information to other telephone sets to open up some applications specific.


The already dubbed “iPhone 7″ is likely to be 1 mm thinner than the iPhone 6s which is 7.1 mm thick.

This system is not new in the market seen other companies manufacturing similar equipment are choosing to segments of “software” Similar instead of the traditional entry.

Next generation iPhone from Apple is expected in mid-September 2016, a year after the release of current iPhone 6s.


Google shows climate change with the help of Street View – SAPO Tek

A polar bear sitting by the sea, waiting for the water to freeze. One that was once a haven oaks increasingly naked. And the struggle for a non-profit organization against deforestation in the Amazon. These are the three examples given by Google to warn Internet users about the impacts that current environmental policies have generated.

The sharing was made in the technology of the blog dedicated to Google Street view, since it is through immersive tool that the company tries to reach out to users. And the publication comes at a time that has already begun officially the conference of the United Nations on climate change and environmental policies (cop21).

“Impacts of climate change are being felt by plants, animals and people all over the planet. We want to take this [UN conference] opportunity to show how you can explore this impact alone, “writes technology.

” We hope that this publication has warned of how the world is being impacted by climate change, “the Google, which also invites all interested parties to apply to the Trekker program so that they can ‘shoot’ already irreversible impacts and then catalog the sites that are in



Apple can change the headphone jack on the iPhone 7 – PCGuia

A source site Mac Otakara says that the next generation of Apple’s iPhone will not have an input jack 3.5 mm and will come equipped with a new Lightning connector.

According to the news , the new Lightning connector is compatible with headphones with Bluetooth and Lightning connection, and has DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter).

It is speculated that will be launched some audio adapters for Lightning that will allow users to use the traditional headphones.

Via Geeky Gadgets,, MacRumors, Mac Otakara.

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Hacker breaks into toy manufacturer of software and has access to over 200,000 data of children – Digital Journal

 A hacker broke into the client database of Chinese manufacturer VTech toys. About 5 million parents and more than 200,000 children had exposed personal information. The information came from the motherboard that has prompted VTech.

Along with the account data such as user names and password in the gadget are also stored personal data, including real names, email addresses, physical addresses and IP addresses of clients. What may be more alarming is the access that this hacker had data of children, such as age, gender and birth date.

The Chinese manufacturer announced the breach on Friday, but did not reveal users the gravity of the situation. The statement of the press itself the company did not mention how many people were affected by the hacker or what information was violated.

Motherboard interviewed the person who violated the information, and asked what he intended to do with the data. The hacker said ‘nil’, though it could easily sell this information online. He revealed that the company had access to the database using a technique known as “SQL injection”. This method is based on inserting malicious commands on the website or software.

The VTech has informed the users of the incident, but according to a security expert, it seems that parents can not rely on Chinese company. In addition to this violation, a series of failures in security practices for an analysis of how VTech handles the data found on their websites

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Amazon presents latest version of Prime Air drone – publico





Two years ago, Amazon announced that it was preparing a delivery system using drones and within half an hour reach the customer an order made online. Online commerce giant advanced on the project and the start of this week presented its updated version of Air Prime, which has no date set to begin the work.

With a new video and recent images, Amazon offers on its website the new Prime Air design, which continues without leaving the prototype stage. “Place the Prime-Air service will take some time, but we will implement it when we have the legislative support needed to realize our vision,” writes the company.

The new drone is greater than the previous model, continues to take off and land vertically but then enters in a horizontal flight mode. Part helicopter, part airplane, the new version of Prime Air has a 24 kilometers range from the distribution centers and can reach 80 km / h and 121 meters. With an approximate weight of 24 kilos, Amazon estimates that the device will deliver the orders placed online on the maximum time of 30 minutes.

According to the video presented by the Amazon, the company is working different environments and aims to adapt its service to the type and place of delivery.

“This design lets fly long distances efficiently and climb up and down safely and expeditiously. It is one of several prototypes that we are developing, “said a company spokesman told the TechCrunch site. Amazon has development centers for Prime Air in the US, UK and Israel.


After the Black Friday … Cyber ​​Monday – Digital Journal

This time, reports the i newspaper, discounts will focus on online stores through which consumers will be able to acquire several products at bargain prices, allowing retailers to drain the stocks remaining from Black Friday.

Digital Economy Association data, consulted by i complimentary newspapers, reveal that more than one-fourth of the Portuguese population makes purchases over the internet, a number that has doubled in the last five years, reaching 2.7 million. Since it is expected that by 2020, are 4.5 million Portuguese to buy online


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Sunday, November 29, 2015

iPhone 7 will force you to buy new headphones – EN Journal


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The market for smartphones is constantly developing. Day after day are presented novelties in this segment, but just get a device to the market, the next version comes just a development phase. Apple is quite the example

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According to a Japanese Mac Otakara rumor site, Apple will make him – if he leaves the iPhone 7 – to acquire some new headphones. Or offer you a …

Although it is too early to speak of development forecasts of the next version of the iPhone, the truth is that the rumors do not usually walk very far from what is presented at the time of release .

According to this source, Apple, iPhone 7, must leave the audio input of 3.5, starting to implement its own entrance for headphones, called Lightning.

idea of ​​this amendment, although it seems misplaced and could lead many people to lose money – either because of having to buy some new headphones, either because of seeing the old unusable – has a purpose that can please (even more) many Apple fans .

The idea is to develop an iPhone even thinner than the current one. For this to be possible, leave the 3.5 smartphone is indispensable. Therein lies the idea of ​​Apple (according to this rumor), make an even thinner device.

If many users purchase the Apple iPhone to be a fine and beautiful smartphone, for that matter, this may be even more attractive in the future if this rumor were

to come about. Apple dominates when it comes to design and know perfectly what the market asks. A smartphone that despite being increasingly be able to become almost invisible in the pocket will certainly delight many users.


Rumor indicates that iPhone 7 can come without traditional audio connection – Pplware

Launched a few months ago, the iPhone 6s is currently the smartphone that everyone tries to overcome. But even with this model to give cards, Apple has already developing the successor iPhone.

Rumors emerged now realize the first new developments that can be expected. Again back the information that the iPhone will abandon the traditional audio connection.


Still will too early to know what the new iPhone will bring mainly because Apple is still to define its shape and final configuration.

We are the months of the probable release date of this new model, but that does not stop to emerge the first rumors and the first ideas of what will be the iPhone 7.

An information arising from the Japanese site Mac Otakara realizes that Apple may be preparing to abandon the traditional audio connection and will only use its proprietary connection Lightning.

This change would allow Apple to get something that has long try and which is also requested by users iPhone. We talk about reducing the thickness of your smartphone, something that will be possible without the presence of the connector to the jack of 3.5mm.

This amendment, and also according to the rumor launched, would allow the iPhone 7 is 1 mm thinner than the current 7.1mm iPhone 6s. This gain could be even greater if the comparison is made with the iPod Touch, which has 6,1mm.

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use the Lightning interface will allow them to be used headphones with better audio quality with DAC (digital conversion for audio), as well as allowing use MFi specifications, which Apple released in 2014 for their equipment and for its partners.

There are already on the market some proposals that make use of this Lightning connector, which connect to all the latest mobile devices from Apple.

Of course it should be also released audio adapters for lightning to allow users to use the traditional headphones.

If this decision becomes a reality, Apple may face the same dislike of opinions that arose when the company changed the 30-pin connection cable Lightning, which is the standard today of their equipment.


Games on Black Friday: what’s going on in the PS Store, Xbox Live, Steam and more – Purebreak Brazil

Check out the promotions season that will end the allowance of gamers.

Finally is coming that time, before Christmas, when all the shops in the world receive a shower of discounts. The games are not left out of this and come up many opportunities for fans to experience new titles. Check out a summary of the advantages offered by the leading developers and game stores .

For those who play on the platforms PlayStation, PS Store for more than 160 games with discounts. Not only old thing, no! It has recently launched a lot of people may be watching as “FIFA 16,” “Call of Duty: Black Ops III”, “Destiny: The Taken King,” “Need for Speed”. Also, they included 2014 titles: those who like RPG have options like “Dragon Age: Inquisition,” “The Witcher 3,” “Diablo III”, among others. This can accumulate with a coupon that was distributed in the Brazilian store and is active until December 1. Just enter the FH24P5BDR6 code in time to finish the whole cart will get additional 10% discount.

On Xbox Live, which supplies those who have an Xbox 360 or Xbox One, there are an average of 160 options with reduced prices. Releases like “Mortal Kombat X,” “Batman: Arkham Knight,” “Just Dance 2016″ and “Mad Max” can cost up to 40% less. Yet, who is a gold user, get 10% discount. The discounts will be available until November 30, both in the PS Store as on Xbox Live.

Who likes to play on your PC can take advantage of that Steam is offering. There, the situation is a little megalomaniac. Are almost nine thousand titles costing

less. It is even difficult to list. But the highlights were the Valve Package that includes dozens of games for $ 43, the popular “GTA V” under 40% in price and “Life Is Strange” complete for less than 25 reais. The offers are valid until December 01.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Airbus patented removable passenger container – Exam Information

Up to now, containers have been used for transporting goods and animals. But if the patent that Airbus has just ensure it is utilized in the future, containers can now be also used to transport people on an airplane. Not worth it if indignant at the idea: the concept of passenger container should not have anything demeaning or dangerous for passengers. It is rather a solution that apparently Airbus intends to explore in order to speed up the entry process and accommodation of people inside an aircraft.

According to The Verge, the patented by Airbus has for the development of a removable housing that can be inserted and removed from the interior of an airplane with passengers who are on the inside.

With this system, Airbus believes that with these compartments may become faster the boarding process, which stops it from being subject to the traditional delays resulting from the departure of the previous trip the passengers.

Instead of the entry and exit of people from the plane, the new system provides for the replacement of a module with people who end the journey by another module with people already properly prepared to start a new journey. The same solution is likely to be used for baggage and cargo in general.

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GNR detects more than 26,000 offenses by cell phone use to drive – publico





The GNR detected since early this year more than 26,000 offenses for improper use of the mobile phone while driving and will launch next week a public awareness campaign on the risks associated with that practice.

According to a statement issued on Saturday until Friday and from 1 January 2015, had been identified more than 26,000 offenses for improper use of the mobile phone on the road.

the motto “Your priority is to live, it is not meet,” the campaign of GNR starts on Monday, and extends throughout the next week.

In the first phase, will be carried out various actions awareness, especially in schools, on cellphone use on driving. In the second phase, the road inspection will be intensified to detect offenses relating to the use of mobile phones.

The GNR recalls that the “misuse of the phone” while driving, either in calls, messaging or

query social networking, “limiting the capabilities of the driver”, causing distraction, limited dexterity and abstracting the mind driving. The operation called Smartphone, Smartdrive runs across the country from Monday to Friday.


Tattoo with chip technology is new – Good info

Home »Science & amp; Technology

11/27/2015 – 12:00 – Updated 27.11.2015 – 24:14

On the phone, provides banking and geolocation

Jarbas Aragon

Identity Management System Accenture company (BIMS, the original acronym) guard biometric data such as facial print, iris and fingerprints. The goal is to make a record of the whole population of the earth. This is a proposal recently made by the United Nations and is already being implemented in some parts of the world.

The same Accenture is touting a tattoo with chip, which promises to attract young people who like technology. Through subdivision Chaotic Moon, the so-called tat tech ‘replaces traditional ink for one that is capable of conducting electrical impulses. Connected to a chip, the so-called technological Tattoo ‘is able to monitor vital signs and also signs of illness, including stress levels.

The tattoo has a geolocation system. Connected to a mobile app, all data on the body of people, as well as its location is transmitted in real time.

Still in development, promises not to be invasive. According to the video release, so that “glue” the adhesive tattoo anywhere on the body monitoring information are already identified by the smartphone.

The Chaotic Moon announced that a second time its ‘tat tech’ – term short for “technological Tattoo” – should also get the banking system. Ie serve as a substitute for credit cards. Eric Schneider, the Chaotic Moon engineer says: “With the tats tech you can carry all your information on the skin. When you want data from your card and your ID card, just get them directly from the system. “

The CEO Ben Lamm says that existing technology would ensure the security of commercial transactions and it would be impossible to duplicate. He explains that the first models are temporary and can have different uses, such as checking the health of a child who appears to be ill or locator as when you go out with their children in places with lots of people, such as amusement parks or shopping malls. For

him, this kind of technology is the most promising of the moment and has attracted the attention of many people.

The MC10 Institute (Motorola), which belongs to giant Google technology, has her own electronic tattoo version. It is being tested and may soon replace the system of passwords we use to access the internet. The advantage is presented that they would create a “digital identity ‘single. This would provide greater certainty in business transactions. With information End Time Headlines


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Bank of neuroimaging: A medical innovation at the University of Aveiro – EN Journal

neuroimaging Biobank of Neuroimaging. The University of Aveiro (UA) created central nervous system imaging bench for the medical community to share and discuss clinical cases, with the anonymity of patients who ‘gave’ the images safeguarded

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This database is aims to “promote greater accuracy in diagnosis and deepening knowledge of neurological disease in general”

<. p> According to a statement from the AU itself, the Biobank of Neuroimaging is a medical imaging repository of the central nervous system, safeguarded anonymity and data encryption, allows access to Neuroradiological information for scientific and educational purposes.

With the sharing and case discussion is expected to “promote greater accuracy in diagnosis and deepening knowledge of neurological disease in general,” according to the same note.

They participate as partners the Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology (SPNR), the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (DETI), through the Institute of Electronics and Telematics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA) of the AU and the company BMD software

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The platform, which can already be consulted by the medical community, is a multimodality imaging repository properly cataloged, loaded into the system by appropriately accredited by SPNR users

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The images are

complemented by information on clinical cases with technical, educational and scientific value.

The data “can be viewed, downloaded, commented and followed dynamically by users of medical communities and science, “according to the AU.

The Biobank of Neuroimaging result from the application at national level (SPNR) the potential developed in the project European Medical Information Framework (EMIF),, which involves 57 partners ( including AU), such as health care institutions and pharmaceutical companies, in addition to higher education institutions.
