in protest against the Uber app, taxi drivers disrupt today (9) traffic in front of the Municipality of São Paulo, in the city center. With sound of cars and horns, the category asks councilors approve, in the second round, the prohibition of the application. The Bill 349 of 2014, which prohibits the use of private cars to transport paid, was approved in the first vote in June. The second vote is scheduled for this afternoon.
In addition to having parked the cars on the street, taxi drivers loosen fireworks.
Taxi drivers are protesting against Uber in downtown Sao Paulo
Councilman Adilson Amadeu (PTB), author of the project, says the Uber is illegal. “The Law 12.587 / 12, which deals with the National Urban Mobility Policy does not provide for individual private transport. In contrast, recognizes the importance of individual public transport, defined as a paid service, open to the public through rental vehicle for the realization of individual trips. Uber does not meet these requirements, “says the text drafted by the councilor’s office.
The topic was discussed in a tumultuous session on August 10 at City Hall. On the occasion, the representative of Uber, Daniel Mangabeira, defended the application stating that there is legislation allowing the application existêncioa. For Daniel Mangabeira, Uber is a complementary model, which can coexist with any public transport in the city.
With the intensification of passions around the discussion, a driver who works for the application reached being assaulted last month. According to the police report, the man, 22, was called to a race in Itaim Bibi, west. Arriving on the scene, he was surrounded and had the car stoned. The boy was placed in a taxi under the point of a gun. After circulation with him for about half an hour, the driver was left at Rua Funchal, 2 km from the place where it was addressed. The crime was recorded on the 14th Police District.
The Union of Drivers and Workers in Taxi Companies (Simtetaxis), Antonio Matias, reported on the last day 11, through note that taxi drivers involved in the case They were identified.
The Uber is the main target of the protest that taxi drivers are performing on Friday. City says that application service is illegal
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