Saturday, May 16, 2015

Apple HomeKit: Innovation or irrelevant technology? – PT Journal


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Apple prepares to introduce the world to another concept, an innovative service (or not so) we shall see later why.

It’s called ‘HomeKit’ and promises to make your iPhone or iPad to interact with your home, through communication between intelligent devices. The HomeKit was thought to connected devices, so called smart home devices. Their job involves interacting with other household devices

Functions like.; open the garage door, light a lamp, or control the thermostat equipment, provided you have the proper accessories, of course. The HomeKit is a set of tools that is already present in iOS 8 for some time. However, until now was only available to developers in order to test their functions in practice.

According to Apple, speaking to The Wall Street Journal, there are already dozens of partners to develop compatible devices with HomeKit and according to the same source, the first should reach the market already in June.

But is it so important to use the iPhone to open a gate of a garage? Shine a light? Turn on the washing machine? Most of these functions are already automatic, as in the case of gates. There will be simpler load at the gate of the command button to resort to an iPhone APP

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You can treat yourself to something new, but also can dealing with irrelevant technology and a roll of ‘charm’ from Apple, which can sell everything and anything. There are no known all HomeKit contours and their actual functions inside a house. It will be the final consumer, in 1 or 2 years, to decide the success / failure of Apple Homekit.


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