Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yahoo! was the target of attacks from Romania – Reuters





The Yahoo! servers were targeted cyber attacks from Romania, through Shellshock virus discovered last month. Also Lycos and WinZip sites were attacked.


                          The complaint came from cybersecurity expert Jonathan Hall. In a statement posted on its website Future South, Hall explains how he discovered that the three sites were being targeted by hackers.

The specialist Googled created with various codes to identify servers that do not had the ability to protect against Shellshock and found that Romanian hackers had managed to get in two servers and tried accessing the Yahoo! Yahoo! Games, with millions of users. Hall also found that WinZip.com domain was being used by hackers to access other servers also vulnerable to the virus.

According to Hall, the servers were vulnerable to attack by using an old version of technology to Bash servers. The Shellshock, which was found in Unix and Mac OS operating systems, attacks the Bash and can be used to access a server without authorization. This problem has existed for 20 years but was only discovered last September. If a hacker get access to a server through Shellshock can see everything that is stored there.

Before publicly disclosing this information, Hall informed the FBI and sent an email to tweets the engineering team at Yahoo! and chief executive of Marrissa Mayer. In response to Hall confirmed that the Yahoo! servers had been illegally accessed and who were already working to respond to the intrusion.



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