Sunday, October 12, 2014

Twitter officials are threatened by the Islamic State – Terra Brazil

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October 12, 2014 • 15h08 • upgraded to 15.09

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“Once we start to cancel their profiles, some people affiliated with the organization began using Twitter to declare that its employees and managers should be killed,” said the CEO of the social network

Photo: Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters

In addition to persecute religious minorities in the areas under its control, kill journalists and causing Western governments, the jihadists Islamic State (EI) now want to turn their weapons against Twitter.

According to the social network’s CEO, Dick Costolo, the company’s employees have received death threats because of the constant suspensions of accounts used by the radical group to communicate their news. “Once we start to cancel their profiles, some people affiliated to the organization began using Twitter to declare that its employees and managers should be killed,” the executive said in an interview with New York Post .

On several occasions, the EI used the microblogging site to spread videos of their actions, as the beheadings of journalists Americans James Foley and Steven Sotloff. “Twitter has certainly been an instrument for positive change in many countries of the world, but there are people who use it for nefarious purposes. And that goes against our terms of service and the law of various countries where we work,” he added Costolo.

Unraveling the Isl State XE2 & #; mico Unraveling the Islamic State


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