Wednesday, September 30, 2015

“The Martian” (Lost on Mars) by Roni Nunes – c7nema

It follows court in one case brought by a Russian writer who claims you have been stolen ideas for building this Lost on Mars . It is up to compatriot Vladimir Putin prove where they are, because everything in this film already seems to have been displayed somewhere.

Starting with the starting point used two years ago in Gravity : an astronaut, Mark Watney (Matt Damon), is hit by debris and stands alone in space fighting for survival. With no claim to higher flight, however, the veteran Ridley Scott relies on down-to-earth argument Drew Goddard to transpose Mars Robinson Crusoe fantasy – with director and screenwriter is perfecting in giving momentum and create situations inventive to an epic one-man avoids falling into progressive bitterness the creation of Daniel Defoe.

The Martian sequences, to sustain themselves in Matt Damon’s empathy and a light humor, fall within the entertainment concept, failing only when the realistic appearance that science fiction should seek fails to achieve the suspension of disbelief by exaggerations (regardless of the Marketing usual that a NASA consultant, indeed more publicized than never worked advisor).

That said, the film would survive as a poor cousin of stupendous metaphysical poetry of Alfonso Cuarón or exciting and ingenious puzzle Christopher Nolan (detailed work true artists ) if he had never left Mars. When this happens, Goddard and Scott will get the most amazing range of cardboard characters and sentimental cliché situations (only collective exaltations are three!) That we know of – supported in Cast star caricatures .

Besides the argument still glue with spit usual cameo Chinese blockbusters (market issues), that only appear, however, after a shower of white little stars on a blue background (flag yankee , not the

sky) have appeared often enough to republicaníssima Fox scare the ghost of a planet red . . All “ very funny, very entertaining, of course”

THE BEST : the Martian part fits well in light entertainment concept <. br /> THE WORST : This same concept imply clichés and nothing subliminal advertising.

Roni Nunes


Science invades Braga in November – Morning Post

City accepts challenge to host Science Month.

Braga is dressing up for scientist to receive the month of Science as early as November. The challenge was launched by the Foundation Francisco Manuel dos Santos (FFMS) after the success of the initiative in Porto.

Are you aware of the importance of science in their day-to-day?

The Science of the month will also have conferences and exhibitions in Coimbra, and went further south of this city, the program does not leave out Lisbon, specifically the National Museum of Natural History and Science of capital, which will launch the stage of the study Scientific Culture in Portugal: Tools to perceive the world and to learn how to change it , November 23.

Guest “brain” international Math
This authentic festival dedicated to science kicks off November 11, in Coimbra, with the conference Mathematics Culture and Creation . The event will bring to our country one of the greatest mathematicians of our time, the French Cédric Villani, whose biography can be visited on the official website of their own:. (in French and English)

The 19th is the highlight of the month dedicated to science. After June organizing a conference at the Casa da Música in Porto, to discuss the digital world and the impact of new technologies, the FFMS will now make a new national meeting. This time the debate will be in Braga and the focus is on the importance of scientific knowledge for society and for the policy.

“To confirm the trend that has been in Porto, we have another successful mobilizing more young people to participate in this meeting, “said Nuno Grouper, president of the FFMS, the Morning Post .

Raise the curtain for Science in three acts
Named after Science in three acts: society, prosperity and political , the event will take place between 9.00 and 20.00 at the Circus Theater, located on Avenida da Liberdade Braga. Until October 26 you can purchase each ticket for 15 euros, on sale at the FFMS site and the site of the debate. However, from that date, the value of the tickets on for 20 euros. In the case of student pays only three euros. Whatever the price, all tickets have lunch included.

For the city of Braga this debate could not come at a better time. “It will prove that Braga is the international roadmap for Science, Research and already has many interconnection projects between the various existing research centers at the University of Minho,” said Ricardo Rio, Mayor of the city.

Coimbra has more charm at the time of statistical
The exhibition Pordata Viva: the power of data will move the Pavilion of Knowledge

in Lisbon, to the center of Coimbra Live Science on 24 November. This initiative (which can recall by clicking on the video below) had more than 110,000 visitors in Lisbon and proved the children and adults that statistical data is not an animal-of-seven heads.

Play with statistics in Knowledge Pavilion

“Teachers, parents and grandparents will find here something that enchants and become even stronger this relationship between each of us and statistics,” explained the CM Maria João Rosa, coordinator of Pordata, the most important site with data on Portugal, you can visit in

play with statistics in Knowledge Pavilion

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“The Martian” (Lost on Mars) by Roni Nunes – c7nema

It follows court in one case brought by a Russian writer who claims you have been stolen ideas for building this Lost on Mars . It is up to compatriot Vladimir Putin prove where they are, because everything in this film already seems to have been displayed somewhere.

Starting with the starting point used two years ago in Gravity : an astronaut, Mark Watney (Matt Damon), is hit by debris and stands alone in space fighting for survival. With no claim to higher flight, however, the veteran Ridley Scott relies on down-to-earth argument Drew Goddard to transpose Mars Robinson Crusoe fantasy – with director and screenwriter is perfecting in giving momentum and create situations inventive to an epic one-man avoids falling into progressive bitterness the creation of Daniel Defoe.

The Martian sequences, to sustain themselves in Matt Damon’s empathy and a light humor, fall within the entertainment concept, failing only when the realistic appearance that science fiction should seek fails to achieve the suspension of disbelief by exaggerations (regardless of the Marketing usual that a NASA consultant, indeed more publicized than never worked advisor).

That said, the film would survive as a poor cousin of stupendous metaphysical poetry of Alfonso Cuarón or exciting and ingenious puzzle Christopher Nolan (detailed work true artists ) if he had never left Mars. When this happens, Goddard and Scott will get the most amazing range of cardboard characters and sentimental cliché situations (only collective exaltations are three!) That we know of – supported in Cast star caricatures .

Besides the argument still glue with spit usual cameo Chinese blockbusters (market issues), that only appear, however, after a shower of white little stars on a blue background (flag yankee , not the

sky) have appeared often enough to republicaníssima Fox scare the ghost of a planet red . . All “ very funny, very entertaining, of course”

THE BEST : the Martian part fits well in light entertainment concept <. br /> THE WORST : This same concept imply clichés and nothing subliminal advertising.

Roni Nunes


The metalhead who helped NASA find water on Mars – TVI24

NASA finds & # XE1; water in state l & # xed; liquid on Mars As a child, since many people have wanted to be a rock star or an astronaut, but few actually come to be one of those things, much less two. Lujendra Ojha, American student of Nepalese origin at the University of Georgia Tech, USA, is one of those few people.

The young man made headlines recently for developing a study at the University of Arizona who helped NASA to find water on Mars . But the news did not stop there. Before making science fiction dreams come true, Ojha was heavy-metal guitarist in his band Gorkha.

“Yes, it was a former life I was living in poverty with music. Did not earn enough money, so I said what the hell music, go to the science, there may be more money in science. But ultimately there is no money in science as well, “said Ojha Lujendra the CNET site.

Life of Lujendra Ojha rock star as NASA began as a student at the University of Arizona, where he noticed dark streaks in photos of the Martian surface. Ojha has established a new way of analyzing photographs of Mars that led to the theory of the existence of salt water on the red planet. Lujendra Ojha, along with a longtime collaborator, Professor McEwen, conducted extensive research, and one thing led to another until NASA has been able to confirm evidence for water on Mars.

Recordings former band Lujendra Ojha there, but here is a picture of him.


Matt “MacGyver” Damon was on Mars – Digital Journal

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Ridley Scott returns with “Lost on Mars”, which puts Matt Damon alone on the Red Planet. Based on the bestselling book “The Martian”, edited between us by Topseller, astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) must become a true space MacGyver if you want to return to Earth.

“Lost on Mars» probably Ridley Scott (“Alien” and “Blade Runner”, for example) will return to the popular success of the film, something that does not happen for some time. And the truth is that it deserves, since the story of Mark Watney is really something that deserves the attention of the moviegoer with Damon like a natural fit in astronaut paper that is left on Mars after a storm on the Red Planet.

Scott offers a science fiction movie to be enjoyed by the general public, something quite far from “Interstellar” by Christopher Nolan. “Lost on Mars” is a work where there is an immediate empathy with the protagonist, an argument where there is hardly a failure. We have a history above all for survival, though in a land otherwise the human race (yet …).

Scott merit was precisely focus the plot on Watney, that is, in man, relegating to the background the more technical aspects of this epic, something hitherto rare in his cinematography, where the visual grandeur overcomes many often subjective. But that does not mean that the director did not give due weight to Mars, also himself a character in the film, which offers wonderful images of the Red Planet.

Although it is a story of survival, noted that there is a clear positive message throughout the film, lacking even the mood. In fact, few moments of despair Watney, which shows the content of the film. That is, we are not facing a drama «boy standing alone in the World” (not this, but in another …), but of an astronaut who can remain optimistic despite the misfortune that lives, much due to his professional experience (botanical ), which makes you a real MacGyver, able to plant potatoes on Mars, for example, in a brilliant performance from Matt Damon, which once again confirms its enormous versatility.

“Lost on Mars» so it is a happy return of Ridley Scott, which, as with Matt Damon, just wanted to return safely to their environment


Title: “Lost in Mars’
Original Title:” The Martian “
Directed by: Ridley Scott
> Cast: Matt Damon (Mark Watney), Jessica Chastain (Melissa Lewis), Kristen Wiig (Annie Montrose), Jeff Daniels (Teddy Sanders), Michael Peña (Rick Martinez), Kate Mara (Beth Johanssen), Sean Bean (Mitch Henderson) and Sebastian Stan (Chris Beck)
Genre: Sci-Fi
Duration: 130 minutes
Country: United States
Year: 2015

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‘Lost on Mars’: interesting, technically amazing and so much fun – SRZD

09/30/2015 10h06

Based on the eponymous work of Andy Weir, “Lost on Mars” (The Martian – 2015) is one of the main premieres this Thursday, 01, and has everything to please sci-fi fans and, above all, Ridley Scott, dedicated director, responsible for classics like “Alien – The eighth passenger” (Alien – 1979) and “Blade Runner, The Hunter of Androids “(Blade Runner – 1982). The SRZD already checked and was surprised by the result.

Starring Matt Damon (Mark Watney), the film shows an American team that is forced to abort an important mission to Mars when a strong storm sweeping the Red Planet. But along the way between the station and the ship, Watney is hit by a metal casting and presumed dead for the rest of the team led by Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastain), who decides to return to Earth, leaving him behind. After regaining consciousness, Watney need to find means of survival in an inhospitable planet, using their knowledge of botany, while waiting for the daring rescue

a well-structured script, written by Drew Goddard, “Lost on Mars” is an interesting film and a few moments of tension that develops unhurriedly to a better understanding of the viewer, with intelligent humor that gives lightness to production through various references to pop culture, always betting on the smallest details of the plot.

Together with the good script and Scott’s competent direction is the incredible performance of the entire cast, especially Damon, Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor (Vincent Kapoor) and Sean Bean (Mitch Henderson). The actors demonstrate chemistry to spare and can assimilate the characteristics of their respective characters in a very natural way, which helps to provide the maximum possible truth to this plot that, like so many others of its kind, contains some rather absurd facts but work very well on the big screen -. I can not tell you what to avoid spoilers

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” Lost on Mars “remains the standard of technical quality expected by any Scott film and in this sense, it is a real treat. With excellent sound effects, graphics, a beautiful photograph and leaving very professional production design in Hollywood with envy, the film has real chances to contest the technical categories in the next awards season.

Finally, ” Lost on Mars “is a film produced with great care and ensuring good times in the exhibition hall. This return of Ridley Scott to space works almost like a redemption after the weak “Prometheus” (Idem – 2012), franchise prequel “Alien”, whose first sequence won the title of “Alien: Paradise Lost” (Idem – 2017). Do not miss

View the trailer:

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New type of cement is able to absorb 4000 liters of water per minute – Digital Journal

Yesterday at 11:16

With video

 A new type of cement made by the British company of tarmac material absorbs instantly liters and more liters of water. – While preventing flooding and maintaining the water, as it continues its cycle and goes to ground

Called Tarmac Topmix Permeable, it is a super-porous cement pavement, designed to remove water from storms and flooding in parking lots, roads, sidewalks and other surfaces.

The material was developed by LaFarge Tarmac, which says that the idea is part of a “sustainable urban drainage system ‘. The water enters through the top layer of permeable cement and then goes through pebbles and goes to the ground, where it becomes groundwater.

In 60 seconds, the Topmix Permeable can drain 4000 liters of water, according with a promotional video of the company.

The company says the material can be installed anywhere to decrease the risk of flooding, but who contemplate using it must first do a search on the ground to identify craters or potential pitfalls, whether in the literal or figurative sense.

One limitation? If the concrete is installed somewhere cold, the water can freeze, which would destroy the whole system. The next challenge now is to build a version of porous concrete that can adapt to cold climates.

Even if relegated only to warmer climates for

now, a ride that does not form puddles is a great idea.


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Photosynthesis is much better than panels to capture and use solar energy – TVI24

Earth (file) A pioneering research on the process Photosynthesis in plants, developed by an international team of scientists concluded that nature is able to capture and use solar energy “much better than current photovoltaic panels.”

The group of researchers, including experts from the Department of Coimbra Physics, “was able to simulate the light-gathering process of the gigantic structure of molecules – the ‘antenna’ known as ‘Light-Harvesting Complex II’ – involved in first step of photosynthesis in plants “, today announced the University of Coimbra (UC).

This was the first time it has been studied “all huge structure (about 18,000 atoms)” of what you can “call” the machine’s starter photosynthesis, using exclusively to quantum mechanics “, underlines the UC, in a note released today.

The results are important to” understand how nature solves the problem of taking and using the energy from the sun, “says Fernando Nogueira, computational physics expert and coordinator of the Portuguese team involved in the study.

The capture and use of solar energy by plants is made of “an extraordinarily efficient” and “much better than current photovoltaic panels,” says Fernando Nogueira, cited by UC.

Researchers have identified, “through an unprecedented calculation, who does what in this giant and intricate kind of chlorophylls network.”

One chlorophyll molecule has “the lead role in photosystem structure,” adds the expert of UC, noting that all other molecules “act as ‘antennas’ of energy harvesting, transferring it immediately to the central molecule, which is where we give the

following steps of the process. “

The way you handle the energy transfer to the center the reaction is still a puzzle and the next step of the research is to understand “how these ‘antennas’ transmitting power to the central molecule”, said Fernando Nogueira, noting that, in this work, was collected “a multitude of information , it is necessary to disentangle “.

The result of this research, which involved five years of “complex studies and more than 30 million hours of calculation in European supercomputers”, are already published “online” and will headline the theme of an upcoming issue of the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP).


Edward Snowden is on Twitter and only follows the NSA – Daily News – Lisbon

The man who was at the center of the disclosure of the NSA spying scandal is hiding in Russia to escape American justice. “And now, you hear me?” Writes on Twitter.

“And now, You hear me? ” Edward Snowden first published on Twitter on Tuesday, under the user name “Snowden.”

An hour after you have created your account, Snowden it was followed by more than 100 thousand people but was still only one account: the official account of the NSA. In its description on Twitter, Edward Snowden writes: “.. I used to work for the government now work for people”

 Edward Snowden is on Twitter and only follows the NSA

The idea of that Snowden should have a Twitter account began to arise in a recent interview with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, the radio StarTalk Radio, who suggested him to use the username “Snowden” and that the two were “Twitter friends” . “Sounds good,” said the activist.

Less than an hour after creating the account, Edward Snowden alluded to this conversation with a tweet addressed to Neil deGrasse Tyson. “Now we have water on Mars! You think they check passports at the border? I’m asking for a friend,” he wrote. Neil deGrasse Tyson responded minutes later: “Ed Snowden, if you visit Mars, I am sure that the forms of life that there may be will give the welcome with a glass of this water – and a tourist visa”

<. p>

According to Snowden’s lawyer, quoted by the intercept, the user name “Snowden” already belonged to someone else, but it was not used for years. Twitter was contacted by activist lawyers and the name was free to use. The account will be controlled by itself.

Edward Snowden had the lead role in the revelation that the US agency NSA spied on the communications of its own citizens and people and leaders around the world. Currently, it is in Russia, where he was granted asylum because it is wanted by the US courts for espionage.


IPhones 6S just now came out and have been frozen and bent – EN Journal

There are those who like to bring new gadgets to the limit. The Square Trade tested the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus and was not at all sweet. Smartphones Apple were bent, dipped in water and even frozen! To compare, a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 also suffered from the same

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The new iPhones even now there are those who came out and the test everything and anything. After all, who is leaving never fall or wet a mobile phone?

This time, it was left to a company specialized in technological equipment protection systems, Square Trade, take the ‘toys’ of Apple to the limit. This is because the most recent controversy, the ‘bendgate’, originated in the ease with which the previous version of iPhone bent, a situation that the mark of Apple tried to correct using an aluminum alloy used by the space industry.

iPhones 6S and 6S Plus had to face the terrible Thermo Rig, a device with several robots that simulate common situations, but they were not alone: ​​to make a comparison, Square Trade joined the plot the Samsung Galaxy Note 5.

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In the ‘hands’ of the robots, smartphones were dropped from a height of 1.80 meters, subjected to bending to a more than 82 kilograms pressure, dipped in a container with water and frozen …

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“The iPhone Plus 6S and 6S resisted 81.5 kilograms and 77 kilograms of pressure, respectively,” clarified Company, showing that the improvement in the flexibility ranged between 50 and 60 percent, thanks to the new aluminum alloy. According to Square Trade, Apple “definitely closed the door to the scandal ‘bendgate.’”

In the same test, the Galaxy NOTE5 also endured a 77 kg pressure.

Instead, falls continue to be ‘fatal’, especially for the screens. Each time your phone dropped with the screen facing down, the windows gone up, despite the fact that either Apple or Samsung have bet on a tougher glass model.

In the thermal tests, covering cases such as heating up to 43 degrees and cooling up to 18

degrees, technicians from Square Trade “found that the iPhone 6S results identical to the iPhone 6″, but it was NOTE5 who “had the best performance.”

“Apedar Galaxy NOTE5 have been easier to break when dropped, scored the highest durability in temperature,” said the company: “The zero degrees, NOTE5 lasted almost two hours, the iPhone 6S Plus lasted little more than an hour and the 6S only half an hour. “

Being the Iphones” most advanced ever, “as presented Apple continue” at the mercy of the most common of all the problems ” as an accidental fall on a hard surface.

The good thing is that both manufacturers “answered the ‘bendgate’ with significant improvements in all three phones we tested,” which is “great news for consumers.”

In the final classification, the Galaxy NOTE5 and iPhone 6S Plus tied on five points (medium risk), another half value than the iPhone 6S on a scale of one to ten.


Facebook back to fail for the second time in one week – SAPO Tek

According to the website DownDetector the problems of registration swelled up yesterday between 20 and 22 hours, a fault also registered in, indicating some fluctuation problems over the past nine hours.

The unavailability will have lasted just over 10 minutes but many Facebook users have continued to find the error message in the following hours, or the long wait until they can access the pages they wanted.

The social network already I had registered failures last week for a short time, but enough to avolumarem complaints and so many users have been turned to Twitter to report problems.

Yesterday the site microbloging He has returned to the place where Facebook users left their regrets for not being able to see or publish pages in the network created by Mark Zuckerberg. The #facebookdown hashtag quickly became popular, at times surpassing the hottest topic of yesterday’s revelation from NASA about the existence of water on Mars.

This is the third time in less than three weeks notes that Facebook failures, none of which is fully explained by the company.

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Folded, thrown to the ground and into the oven: 6s iPhone or Galaxy Note 5, which is the toughest? – SAPO Tek

It is the nightmare of any smartphone maker: place a large part of efforts to launch a device and end “haunted” by a controversy. The iPhone 6 was target bendgate , but the Galaxy have also been victims of so-called gapgate .

A year later there are new phones on the market and the question is again asked: 6s between iPhone and the Galaxy Note 5, which is the toughest? The company independent testing SquareTrade responds in the video below.

Subject pressure, sharp drops, the dives, the high and also negative temperatures, the Galaxy Note 5 and iPhone 6s had similar ratings, although the mobile phone from Samsung seems to ensure a slightly higher robustness.

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October 2 can now order the iPhone 6S – EN Journal


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The official day for the arrival of iPhone 6S Portugal and other European markets, is October 9. However, as always happens in these times, operators will accept pre-bookings earlier

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While you can play on Apple’s new gadget only from the on 9 October, the carriers will start pre-booking on day 2. As every iPhone launch, it is likely that the initial stock is not enough to satisfy all requests.

By the way , the past shows that the first new iPhone stocks usually run out with some frequency. Whether it is those fans who do not like to wait long, anticipate it.

The MEO was the first operator to confirm the start of the pre-booking of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus for this date. But as is usual in these releases, Vodafone and US should follow the footsteps in the near future.

Nevertheless, be aware that there is still no confirmed price, though, and taking into account Apple’s policy and the prices the previous version, it is expected that the 16GB version walk at around 700 euros. In Expansys, for example, it is available for pre-booking 799.99 EUR. This price may escape a maximum of 100 euros each operator, so …

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